Chapter Four- Run

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I had about a thousand thoughts running through my head at once as I gazed out the taxi window at the moving traffic. I didn't want to go home in Mycroft's car, I feel happier in a taxi.

I was debating with myself on what do to, about everything. Should I tell Sherlock I love him to? Should I do something to help him?

Should I drug him and let his brother take him away from me? I know I said to Mycroft that I wouldn't do it, but the more I thought about it the better the idea became. Sherlock would finally be able to get better, then he could come home. Come home to me.

I shook my head trying to shake off all the thoughts swirling around in my head, but that was in no way successful,

"Could you stop here please?" I called to the taxi driver. He pulled in automatically to the side, I reached in my pocket and poured some money onto the tray without even counting. I knew I probably over-paid because he turned and smiled gratefully,

"Have a good day sir!" He gleamed as I stepped out the cab. He waved slightly before driving away.

I was not too far from the flat, I figured that walking and getting some fresh air would help me clear my head.

I glanced up at the sky, it was grey, but slowly turning darker by the second and the clouds looked ready to break out with rain. I hugged myself while I fastened my pace, I could feel the chills of the air pricking over my skin. The street lights were starting to flicker on as if they were trying to help me to see.

As I walked through the people filled streets, one word ran through my head, Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock. I kept wondering if he'd be there when I got back, whether he would be throwing up, or drinking again or pasted out on the floor in his room.

I scowled to myself hating that thought. In attempt to get it out of my head I pulled out my phone and looked at my 'drafts'. I clicked on the one I had been meaning to send to Sherlock, I stared at it while walking along slower now.

Then I felt something slam up against me. I step back surprised realizing I had just walked into someone.

"Bastard." I hear as the glum looking man apposed himself and carried on walking. I stood there vacantly for a seconds before shrugging and carrying on walking still with my eyes on my phone. It started to rain and I kept on banging into people and getting called a dick, so I decided to take the root through a long black deserted alley way which lead me closed to the flat.

The only light I had was my phone and the light at the end of the alley way making it quite dim and I had to squint my eyes to see.

I got halfway down the alley way before I started to hear an echo from the end I was heading to, I looked up from my phone and tried to make out what was there.

Then I realized it was a voice. A group of voices actually, swearing and spitting on the ground swishing their cans on beer around carelessly. I could see little spots of light from their cigarettes.

I had to say, they looked like a pretty bad bunch of thugs to bump into down a dark deserted alleyway. I took in a deep breath and kept walking towards them trying to squish into the wall as much as I could trying to look invisible and hopefully they wouldn't even notice me. I was wrong.

"Oi mate, what you doing? Textin' your boyfriend." One thug with a grey hoodie on said to me laughing throwing his fag on the ground while the others snickered around him.

I could feel my cheeks blushing, even though Sherlock wasn't my boyfriend, I still loved another man. I knew they were joking and to them everyone that is not a chav is gay, but I still felt embarrassed and targeted.

"No." I replied dryly carrying on walking looking back down at my phone, but the grey hoodie thug held his hand up to my chest making it unable for me to move forwards. I tried getting around him, but he just kept his hand there.

"I could use a nice new Iphone." He smirked as I looked up at him.

"Move." I hissed at him. He didn't move or even flinch, he just kept that mischievous smile on his lips.

"I could use some money, runnin' out of beer here blad." One of the other thugs said from behind the grey hoodie guy. They all laughed again, but I couldn't real see the joke here.

"Give us your phone and wallet and you can walk out this alley without a black eye." Reasoned the one right in-front of me.

I thought about it for a second, I guess it would save me getting beaten up. To be honest it was only money, I could replace it, but then again I happen to be stubborn.

"Move." I gritted through my teeth trying to sound intimidating, which I fail at miserably seeing as I was about a foot smaller than all of them.

"Once last chance." Offered the thug pushing harder on my chest with a dark look growing in his eyes.

I answered that by grabbing his arm, twisting it behind him and kicking him in the leg causing him to fall over into the other guys. I took that chance to get out of there, I turned around and sprinted trying to make it to the end of the alley I had just came through, so I could get out in the open with people.

"Get him." Ordered the thug on the ground wincing as he tried to stand. The four guys behind him started to run after me, shouting and cursing at me throwing their beer cans. I glanced over my shoulder, they were practically on my heels, I was so close the end of the alley, but before I could a pair of hands grabbed me swinging me back into a wall. A thug wearing a black hoodie pinned me into the wall, even though his hood was up I could still see his features, dark brown eyes which was partly covered by his shaggy hair, a crooked nose and his lips were thin and wryly. His expression looked threatening and he held a dark look in his eyes. He brought his head closer to me as my heart became to speed up, he brought his lips to me ear.

"Bad move." He whispered chillingly in my ear before punching me right in the stomach. I gasped for air, but it felt as if it has been stolen from my lungs. The men laughed as I got hit to the ground with a loud thump as my Iphone hurdled out of my hands on to the concrete floor.

I could feel the bruises forming on my sides instantly. I attempted to get back up from the floor, but I was quickly pushed back down again, slamming into the ground once again.

Another one of the guys came over to me and starting kicking me with his foot, I grimaced at the pain of every kick. Then a few seconds later another one started kicking me, I could feel spots of pain coming from all over my body and all I could do was lay there.

The grey hoodie thug had now come over, he signaled the two guys kicking me to stop and  they did automatically. He crouched down besides me smiling once again,

"See you could have just played nice, but now you'll be leaving with alot more then a black eye." He promised looking a bit too happy while I lay there frantically breathing in total shock, he continued to speak,

"Let's make you remember our night together, maybe a scar on your pretty little face should do it." I swallowed feeling a big lump in my throat, first I thought he was just saying that to scare me, but as he pulled a sharp gleaming pen knife out of his trouser pockets I knew he was serious.

I looked up to his face pleadingly, while he just turned the small knife in his hands with that sickly smile on his face and a spark in his eyes.

He slowly brought the sharp object closer to my face, I closed my eyes holding in a scream, I'd only make them want to hurt me more.

Then the next thing I felt was agony, he pushed the blade into my cheek and slowly dragged it down, but before he could even get more than a one inch down, he was stopped by the sound of a gun shot nearby.

They all looked around at each other and all their eyes ending up focusing on something in the middle of the alley. I moved my head to see what they were looking ignoring the throbs of pain that ran through me.

And standing there with a gun in their hand was my night in a shining trench coat.


Once again sorry for being so short D: <3.

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