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"So, when does the camp start, you ask?" said Gwen.
"No one asked," I replied, rolling my eyes in the process.
"Yeah," Morgan seconded.
"Anyway," Gwen continued. "It starts tomorrow."
"What?!" I spluttered. "I can't."
"Why the hell not, Sav."
"I don't have a wetsuit, or a surfboard or anything and it's Sunday, no stores are open except Starbucks."
"Yeah," Morgan agreed but I could tell she wasn't listening, she was too busy dreamily staring at Kevin, with her elbow resting on the table and her hand cupping her chin.
She immediately sat bolt upright.
Gwen sighed.
"Anyway, the surf emporium's open and the camp provide the surfboards," she stated.
"Okay, when do you wanna go?" I asked.
We browsed the different wet suits, all searching for one.
"This one's nice," said Morgan.
I couldn't really see her over the rack, I just saw her messy blonde bun bobbing.
She held up a light turquoise one over her head.
"I like it, are you gonna buy it?" I asked, leafing through the other options.
"I have to try it on first," she replied, examining it for a speck of dirt.
"Try not to think about all the slimy, dirty girls that hve tried o fit in that," Gwen called out from the other side of the shop.
Morgan shuddered.
"On second thought eBay's a great place to browse," she answered hanging the wetsuit back up.
"Don't listen to her, Morg," I told her, picking out a silvery wetsuit with emerald details.
Morgan hesitated before she picked the wetsuit back up and took it to the counter.
I also brought my wetsuit to the counter.
The guy at the counter looks like a cliche surfer guy, wavy blond hair that reached his shoulder and a rope bead necklace with shorts and a very open collared shirt.
"Man, you doin' the surf camp too?"
"Yep," I answered.
"45 bucks," he said.
I handed him a fifty.
"Keep the change."
"Shot bro."
I giggled to myself, "shot bro" was something Gwen and I would say to each other as a joke.
The survey guy handed me a clear plastic bag with my wetsuit in it.
Gwen came over at that second and shoved a pale purple wetsuit at surfer guy.
She batted her long eyelashes that framed her green, almond shaped eyes.
I knew what was coming next.
"Sooo," she whispered, almost in his ear.
"Soooo?" He answered, glancing at me.
She batted her eyelashes again and flicked her auburn hair.
I'd seen her do this before, she would flirt with the cashier and get what she wanted for free.
It didn't seem to be working this time though.
Surfer guy scanned her wetsuit.
"50 bucks."
A look of doubt crossed her face, she had been succesful in tricking guys into giving her free stuff so many times that I doubt she even brought money to stores anymore.
"Are you sure?" she purred, biting her lip.
I rolled my eyes.
The surfer guy looked at me as to ask if he was in danger.
I put my hand next to my temple and moved my one finger like a corkscrew, to indicate she was crazy.
The Surfer guy nodded, looking like he understood.
"You know what nevermind, keep it," he said to Gwen, smiling.
She winked at him, obviously thinking her flirting had done the trick.
The surfer guy waved at me as we left the surf emporium and joined Morgan outside.

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