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Ocean Green and Icy Blue

I am just your normal everyday femme fatale, my name Eviana Tyche. I am more or less what the history books call a siren; however modern sirens are a bit different from our ancestors. Modern day sirens went through a period where we had to find ways to protect ourselves for killing humans every time we sang a song. As a siren we become powerless if we live after a mortal has heard our song, but this problem was fixed by two lovers Sefina Tyche and Aztharot Warloc my ancestors. The lovers were cursed by one of the worse fates I believe anyone can possess. They were fated to never be together or suffer in their love. Sirens possess special gift, clairvoyance and power of enchanting and charming with our voices. Sefina knew what the future held, so she visited Azreala a witch who was her best friend. Together both of them found a way to make sure that her descendants would never suffer the same fate; so they forged a group of rings called ''The Muses Halos"; these rings had the ability to suppress a sirens song if it was the sirens wish.

Now hundreds of years later we are still benefitting from the sacrifices my ancestors made. I am vocal arts major at The Julliard University; the alumni of many of my family members. I decided to take a year off before I finish my program. I wanted to use this as an opportunity to travel. I packed my bags and was sitting in my condo when my house mate barged in. "EVIANA!!!! You're leaving me!" I cringed as Celeste threw herself into my arms. I had just finished packing my suitcase and it was propped up against a wall by the front door. She cried and hugged me tightly pressing her face into my chest. "Celeste...," I said gently. "It isn't fair... take me with you. Please. I don't want to stay here all alone." I raised my eyebrow at her I stood my ground I had already made my decision. "Celeste. Stop it you knew I would be taking the year off," She looked as if she was ready to cry. I eased her off me so that I could see her face and wiped her cascading tears from her face. "B-but I didn't think it'd be so soon where's the time gone." "It's gone with the wind love..." I murmured. After an hour I had convinced her not to take the year off and finish her Master's program. She was a Harp major and you can guess it, she was a siren the first I'd met in New York as a matter a fact.

I walked downstairs and boarded the elevator; as the door was about to shut a hand shot through I gasped in fear that the person would their hand. I exhaled in relief when it parted again and I looked at the person entering the elevator he carried a violin case slung over his back and his hair was long black as night so black that they had a raven-like purple tint to it; the color of danger, the color of utter darkness... Goosebumps rose on my arms as I thought about it and all the hair on my body stood on end when the door closed and he slowly turned to look at me. I looked down afraid to meet his eyes "That was pretty close you almost lost your should be more careful you play the violin right? Aren't a violinist hands their greatest treasure. You shouldn't be so careless,'' I should shut up I really should why in the world was I lecturing a perfect stranger. I felt so rude. "I-I'm so sorry it was none of my business, I didn't mean to-''

"But you did..." He said he his voice reminded me of a siren's. But men don't have the Seirēn gene it wasn't possible...Or was it? I shook my head as I burned holes into the ground with my eyes from embarrassment. I hadn't noticed him approach me and I look up into the deepest pools of blue that I had ever seen; his eyes could rival the seas right down to their bluest depths with the just a hint of ocean green and clear icy blue. I couldn't look away from him and he just stared at me I couldn't tell what emotion his eyes held. He leaned into me his hand rested on the right side of my face and as his curly black swept curtaining the sides of his face. My breath hitched in my throat and my brain stopped working; I was about to let a complete stranger kiss me. Move Eviana! Is what my brained screamed at me but I couldn't. He moved his hand up to his cheek and wiped the corner of my lips and looked at his finger and then raised it to his lips and licked it. "So sweet..." He murmured. My eyes followed his lips to the tiniest grain of sugar and his tongue protruded from behind them as he licked his lips again.

The elevator dinged and he walked off; I couldn't even move my legs and t-that jerk had walked off. My cheeks heated up, my head swam and then I fainted... just my luck. I fainted and the last thing I thought was I never got his name....

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