Chapter 5

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"You did what?!"

Matt winced at Aiden's yell. He wanted to shrug it off, ignore his brother, but he knew that Aiden was right in his anger, that he should never have given her the books, never mind her file. It had been one of the most important rules drilled into his head.

"Can you not yell?" He muttered.

Aiden ignored him and carried on, while he took out a glass in the top cupboard, slamming the door shut. "What the hell were you thinking? It's the most important rule, right up there next to 'don't let her lose control'. And you just handed it to her. Should I even ask why?"

"She asked for them."

This earned Matt the recently retrieved glass being thrown in his direction. He ducked down, and stared dryly at his brother, used to his outbursts.

"She asked for them?" Aiden repeated with a sneer. He was beyond angry. Although he'd never admit it to his brother, he was also nervous at the prospect of Stephanie learning about their dopplegangers' history. He'd felt an instant connection to her the moment he had first laid eyes on her, and had wanted to get to know her. But he wanted to do It on his own terms, on her terms. Not on some stupid history that kept repeating itself. Now that Matt had given Stephanie the journals, Aiden knew she'd learn about everything and any thoughts he'd had about getting to know her on his own terms, her own terms, vanished.

"Aiden, I know you sensed she is different too. Maybe this will help stop the history from being repeated." Matt spoke tiredly, breaking Aiden's train of thought.

"Maybe. Fact remains you've broken a rule, disobeyed the orders we both were given. What excuse will you use when the call comes for a report on her? You better come up with something better than "she asked for them". You have no idea what the consequences of your stupid actions could be." Aiden replied coldly. He sat at the kitchen table, anger radiating from him in waves, and Matt, sensing that the urge to throw more inanimate objects at his head had passed, bent down to retrieve the broken glass.

"I'll face the consequences of my decision. I didn't realise you were so worried.."

Aiden scoffed as he interrupted Matt. "I'm not worried about you, or me, brother."

Matt sighed in frustration as he finished cleaning up and faced Aiden. Aiden's grey eyes were cold, matching his tone, as he regarded his brother. "Then what, Aiden? Why does it upset you? Is it because you think she'll still want nothing to do with you? After your less than friendly first meeting, I'd say that was a given no matter the history." Matt hadn't meant to sound so cruel, but his brother had a habit of rubbing him up the wrong way.

Instantly, Aiden froze and a look of pure loathing came onto his face. "I couldn't care less what or who she wants, brother. I'm here to do the job handed down to us, and make sure I don't die like the others. What makes you so sure she'll want you after learning what it is our family does, and who she is, and what happens when we mix?" Aiden stared at Matt, seeing the flinch as the truth struck home.

Matt gave Aiden a glare. "I've already told her about it all." He said through clenched teeth. Aiden smirked. "Yes, brother, but she didn't believe you then." Matt opened his mouth to retort but found it dying on his lips, before turning on his heel and storming out the kitchen.


The books lay unopened on Stephanie's desk, the file under them, her name on the top in view. She sat on her bed, her back to the window and stared at them. Now that she had them, she wasn't so sure she wanted to read them. Her mind wondered back to Matt, the way he had looked so sure about everything he had said. She tried to ignore the butterflies his image gave her, the way her heart raced at the image of his icy blue eyes that shone with excitement, and warmth. He had looked at her intensely, almost drinking the sight of her in.

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