Fun (Miya Asama, Sekirei)

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{A/N Ahahaha... Oh lord please don't hate me! I haven't watched far into Sekirei yet, so I don't know much about Miya besides what Wikiped (Wikipedia) can tell me and what I know. I know that she never turns away people, I know about the Hannya mask, I know her husband died, I know plenty. Only not her complete personality. So if my Miya is a bit OC, please don't be mad! Anyways, let's go~!}

"M-Miya-san, please s-stop threatening my S-Sekirei," I silently cursed my stuttering as I glared at Miya.

"Y/n-kun, this is my house. If you would rather leave than be here, then go right ahead. Otherwise, I will do as I please."

Miya's Hannya spirit floated near her head, the mask glaring at me. Miya turned back to her cooking as I whimpered, willing the Hannya to go away. Just as the mask went away, my Sekirei Linnka, number 105, walked in. Linnka is a thirteen year old Sekirei with mid-back black hair in the back, chin-length in the front , sharp violet eyes, and a Stealth type Sekirei with duel knives in a sheath strapped onto her lower back. Now, Linnka is very difficult to understand. When we first met, she simply said I was her Ashikabi and to kiss her. Imagine my confusion as a nearly seventeen year old guy told I was some caretaker of something like an angel, alien, human thing and I have to kiss her and make her 'emerge'.

I basically passed out right then and there, in the middle of the street filled with people.

When I had woken up, Linnka was curled up against me in a bed I had never seen before. Later I had learned that Linnka had somehow pulled me to Mansion Izumo where a group of Sekireis and an Ashikabi lived.

Linnka and Miya had never gotten along for some reason. I mean, sure, Linnka never did like to be tied down or anything and hated it whenever I would tell her to do something even though I was four years older. Whatever happened to respect your superiors? The only one she ever even slightly liked was Ku, seeing as Ku was younger. She didn't like any of the other Sekireis, and whenever like Matsu-san or Kagari would come near me, Linnka would challenge them on the spot. My friend Minato, also an Ashikabi, told me Linnka just had to get used to being here, and told me it was the same way with one of his Sekireis; Tsukiumi. Apparently she didn't like his first three because she wanted to be his 'wife', but the three, well, more like two, didn't like that so they fought often. I argued that Linnka was my only Sekirei and she wouldn't even think of marrying me. I asked Homura if it was some sort of phase or something, and he responded by smiling apologetically and shrugging.

"Linnka. Good morning," I smiled at the girl as she walked towards me.

Linnka tugged tiredly on my sleeve and muttered, "Ani-san, I'm hungry but Miya is scary..."

I laughed softly and ruffled her slightly spiky black hair and said, "Yeah, she is pretty scary. If you get ready real quick, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant for breakfast."

Linnka's violet eyes lit up and she nodded quickly before bolting to her room. I grinned, glad to have made Li-Chan so happy so early in the morning. I walked to the door, slid on my shoes, and stepped outside. The best thing to wake one up in the morning is fresh air.

"Ani~! Miya-san is being mean again!" I heard Linnka call from inside.

I groaned and walked inside, muttering under my breath, "One day we'll leave and won't have this problem."



~~~Lazy Time Skip~~~

"M-Miya-san, please, I b-beg of you, s-stop!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face.

Miya didn't even spare me a glance, she just continued battling Linnka.

Me and Linnka had come home late, and we were confused as to why the windows were so dark. Normally the others stay up rather late. So, we went inside to find Miya plunging her sword through Musubi-Chan's heart. Linnka nearly screamed, but I managed to get her outside and start running before Miya noticed.

She noticed,  God damn it.

So, Linnka engaged her in battle. Not in Sekirei battle, but life-or-death battle. Then Miya got Linnka once. Then twice. Then it was a constant stream of hits from Miya. Linnka could barely stand she was so beaten up.

"Y/n-San.." Linnka whispered, tears in her eyes and blood dripping down her chin, "I love you, I really do.. Please, have a good life, for me..."

Then Miya plunged her sword through Linnka's stomach. I had to watch my own Sekirei die because I was too weak to do anything about it.

Miya threw her sword to the side and walked towards me. I scrambled backwards but fell down, staring up at Miya. She smiled, her Hannya surprisingly gone. Maybe she had killed that too.

"Y/n-Kun.. Now it's just us, hmm?" Miya crouched down to my height, her eyes darker than normal.

"Now I can have fun with you~..."

Fun, huh?

{A/N This was painful for me. I mean, Miya is so sweet and sisterly, so having her like this is not fun to write. Oh look, fun. Hah. Anyways, who do you guys want next? I have a few requests for Caten on my male Yanderes. Would you guys like to see Catess-Chan again? Oh God please no... Shut your mouth, Caten! Anyways, request request request! See yah guys~!}

She loves you. She'll do anything for you. She'd die for you.

She might even kill for you.

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