Death {Weiss, RWBY}

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{This doesn't take place at any point, just that the team is up and running. You're at Beacon by the way, so have fun killing Grimms! Lucky... Oh, and, your 'group'? You have to pick three of your friends that make a word out of your names in RWBY fashion. I'm not doin' that for you.}

"R-Ruby, I-I uhh... umm... l-like y-you..?"

That one single confession, one simple sentence cost a friend, a life, and my freedom. Who would have guessed confessing to the girl you liked would have such an impact? I certainly didn't.

But I didn't know that, not until I let that sentence slip.

The day was nice, and the class was out on a field trip, doing a scavenger hunt. We, of course, got into our groups as usual. My group got together and set off, like the rest of the groups. My group decided to tag along behind team RWBY. They're the most well known group in Beacon and seem to have everything their way; why wouldn't we tail them? We were more tactic scavengers than anything, really.

What we didn't know was that while we tailed them, Grimms tailed us. We didn't notice till one of my teammates got bite by a Beowulf. The leader of team RWBY, Ruby, heard us yelling and fighting a small pack of Beowulves.

Her, being the generous and amazing girl she was, got her team to help us. My teammate that had gotten bit was extremely hurt, mainly in their leg where the Beowulf bit them. Ozpin, being the jerk he was, wouldn't pick us up, so Ruby's team agreed to help us carry our teammate and look for the things on the scavenger hunt list.

If Ozpin had picked us up, something bad wouldn't have happened.

That day, when we did the scavenger hunt, I developed a crush on Ruby Rose. Little did I know, her teammate Weiss developed a crush on me.

That brings us up to speed.

I had finally decided to confess to Ruby after a few months of having a crush on her. I pulled her out into the hallway after the last hour was over, and confessed.

"R-Ruby, I-I uhh... umm... l-like y-you..?"

Ruby had smiled sweetly, as she normally does, and responded, "I like you too, Y/n. We are friends after all."

I shook my head and muttered, "No, not just friend like... I want you to be my girlfriend, Ruby..."

And, to prove my point, I had kissed her. She didn't pull away. After I pulled away, she slowly said that we could try dating.

Neither of us knew that Weiss was just around the corner, crying silently.

But after she turned around the corner, we both knew something had happened to the Schnee Dust Company heir. Her eyes were golden, like Blake's. I had seen Yang's eyes change color, and I knew what it meant; whomever that girl was mad at was going to die.

"You... You dare crush my heart like that?" She said lowly.

I pulled Ruby close to me and looked oddly at Weiss, asking slowly, "What do you mean?"

She screamed, pulled out her dust sword, and point at Ruby, yelling, "You confessed to her! I like you, so she can't have you, Y/n!"

The confession was a bit sudden, and not what I expected to hear.

"I-I'm sorry? But I love Ruby. Why wouldn't I confess to her?"

Weiss screamed again, but suddenly the scream stopped. She breathed deeply and said very softly, "If you won't leave her, I'll have her leave you. Bye-bye, Ruby Rose."

Before I could move, Weiss had clicked her sword to a black dust, one I hadn't seen before. It was a sooty, night-black color.

Like death.

 Weiss dived forward, and stabbed straight through Ruby.

A small whimper escaped the poor girl before she collapsed. No blood. No wound. The sword had gone straight through her. The black dust had killed her.


Weiss had killed her.

I fought. I fought with all I had. Where was Ozpin, or Glynda? A student was dead, her teammate had killed her, and now I was fighting the murderer.

Beacon is a horrible school.

In the end, I lost. I had horrible wounds, but not with the black dust. Other dusts that I couldn't bother to notice. I eventually blacked out, and when I woke up, it was dark.

Like death.

I saw amber eyes, and I figured it was all just a nightmare and I sleepwalked, and now I was seeing Blake.

Weiss, her eyes still amber, steps to me. Her usual white and pristine dress are torn, and a red flower is exploded over it. Not a flower. Ruby's blood.

Weiss smiles sickeningly sweetly and says softly, "You'll never guess where we are, Y/n~!"

"Yeah, probably not," I reply coldly, like the floor I'm sitting on, and like the wall I'm leaning against. I look down, away from the girl.

Weiss grabs a fistful of my hair and hauls me up by it, forcing me to look at her. Her eyes are ablaze with fury, and she says very sharply, "You will not treat me that way, Y/n! Do you hear me? You will not!"

I growl and push her away. She shakes her head slowly, and I see her arm move before a hard something slams into my head and I black out.

When I wake up yet again, I think I'm in the same room as before. Except this time, cold metal shackles bind me to the wall by my wrists and ankles. I pull my right wrist forward and the chain allows me to straighten my arm before pulling tight. My ankles are more restricting; I can only bend my knees slightly, and I can only take about half a step forward. I can't kick higher than the middle of my shin. Weiss is smart, a bit too smart really.

Think of a devil and it shall appear.

Weiss steps from the shadows, and this time she's wearing a dress like her white one. This one is clean, pristine, and black.

Like death.

Like death.

Like death.


Is that all I have to look forward to now..?

{Eyyy! I forgot whom this is for, but here to you! I hope I did Miss Weiss justice ^-^

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