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"there's good days, there's bad days, and then there's the day I met you."

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The first thing Castiel noticed was that it was windy.

Pitch black and chilly, the moon overhead gave light for his escape, but his eyes had already adjusted to the darkness around him. He grinned. A real, genuine one, and a belly laugh. His mouth started to hurt from the huge smile on his lips.

He was okay. Everything was going to be okay.

Despite the temperature outside, he felt some sort of warmth somehow. A warmth that pulsed through him, burning away all the fear and depression hidden beneath his skin. He spun around, arms outstretched to the sky, spinning like a child.

The pavement was cool against the skin of his feet, it finally seemed that nothing could possibly get in his way.

Until something did.

It was barely visible in the moonlight, he almost missed it - a razor wire fence surrounding the area completely. There was no way for him to go but up. The top was so treacherous that no ordinary person could possibly survive it.

But Castiel wasn't ordinary

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But Castiel wasn't ordinary.

He never would be, no matter how hard anyone tried to make him that way. Even himself. But for once, it might come in handy. He was putting every inch of faith into himself and his abilities this time, they might be the only thing that will keep him alive.

They haven't failed him so far.

Castiel had to survive this because he knew there wasn't an alternative. He had to risk tearing his skin to pieces if it meant getting over that fence.

He would choose death over Adler, would rather die than turn around and go back there. His throat felt like it might constrict, and his hands were sweating at the sight of the top of it. It looked like the edge of what a prison would be. Which was fitting, really. He'd been in a prison for most of his life.

Castiel took in a deep breath, blinking away fearful tears. He could feel the energy in his body being replaced by nerves, but he willed himself to focus. He had to do this, do it, or risk an entire existance filled with horrors worse than death.

He raised shaking hands and grabbed the cool chainlink, placing a foot in one of the spaces. The beginning wasn't bad, but he knew he was working his way up an angry killing machine.

The outside air felt cruel now, stinging his shoulders and the bottoms of his feet. He wiped cold sweat from the back of his neck, clamping down his knuckles as he endured the strain on his body. A body that couldn't take much more.

After gaining a fair amount of height, Castiel felt the weight of gravity against him. He was practically dangling.

It hurt.

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