Chapter 1: Stomach Bug (Brianna)

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Zayn's Pov: Today was Monday September 5th, 2015 and it was the first day of school for all of our was time to work our schedule, Harry and I agreed that I would get the kids up and get them to school for the first week and then he would get the kids up and them to school for the second week and if either one of us got sick we would cover each other's week which was a great plan.

Zayn: Time to get the kids up and get them to school...Aliyah time to get up today is the first day of school.

Aliyah: Good morning daddy.

Zayn: Good morning are you ready for the first day of school.

Aliyah: Yes daddy, I am excited.

Zayn: I am glad by the way sweetie...I cooked a very special lunch for you to take for your first day of school sweetheart.

Aliyah: Really daddy?

Zayn: Yes.

Aliyah: Yummy.

Zayn: Yes.

Aliyah: Thanks so much daddy.

Zayn: You are welcome sweetie.

Aliyah: I will be downstairs.

Zayn: Okay... Hannah time to get up today is the first day of school.

Hannah: Really?

Zayn: Yes, sweetie.

Hannah: Okay.

Zayn: Today is your first day as a junior in high school, you are almost a senior in high school, and I am so happy for you.

Hannah: Thanks dad.

Zayn: You are very welcome sweetie.

Hannah: See you downstairs in the kitchen.

Zayn: Okay...I have to get the rest of your siblings up for school.

Hannah: Okay, Dad.

Zayn: Jennifer time to get up.

Jennifer: Dad 5 More Minutes.

Zayn: It's time for you to get up.

Jennifer: Why?

Zayn: Because today is you first day of high are a freshman.

Natalie: Okay...I'm getting up.

Zayn: See you downstairs.

Jennifer: Okay.

Zayn: Blake time to get is your first day of being a Senior In High made it to your Senior Year of high school, and I am proud of you.

Blake: Okay, thanks dad.

Zayn: You are welcome.

Karen: Hey, dad.

Zayn: Hello Sweetie, You look like you are ready for your first day of college.

Karen: I really am ready for my first day of school.

Zayn: I am glad.

Karen: So am I.

Zayn: You are going to be successful.

Karen: Thanks dad.

Zayn: You are welcome.

Karen: I am going to get to class now.

Zayn: Okay, have a great first day.

Karen: I will dad, bye.

Zayn: Bye.

~ Meanwhile Back Upstairs ~

Brianna: I don't feel too good. * Frowns *

Zayn: Time to get up Henry.

Henry: Why?

Zayn: Today is the first day of school.

Henry: Okay. * gets out of bed *

Harry: Good morning baby.

Zayn: Good morning sweetie pie.

Harry: I think that we have a day off today.

Zayn: Really?

Harry: Yeah.

Zayn: Sweet.

Harry: I am going to shower now.

Zayn: Alright, Sweetie.

Harry: I will miss you.

Zayn: I will miss you more...Brianna time to wake up, today is your first day of school.

Brianna: I want to sleep and cuddle with my Olaf plush.

Zayn: I know you do, sweetie but you can after school.

Brianna: I want to stay home.

Zayn: What's the matter?

Brianna: I don't feel very well.

Zayn: Really sweetie?

Brianna: Yeah.

Zayn: What hurts pumpkin?

Brianna: My stomach hurts and my head hurts.

Zayn: Can I feel your forehead?

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: Sweetie, you are warm.

Brianna: I don't like feeling this way.

Zayn: I understand.

Brianna: Can I go back to sleep please.

Zayn: Yes, you can.

Brianna: Thanks.

Zayn: You are welcome...I have to get the rest of your siblings to school okay.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: Harry is here okay,so.whatever goes on make sure you let Harry know, okay.

Brianna: Okay, I Promise.

Zayn: Alright...Harry I am going to get the kids to school...Brianna is in bed sleeping, she doesn't feel good at all today.

Harry: Okay...Do you mind picking up some stuff from the store while you are out, please.

Zayn: I don't mind picking up some stuff from the store while I am out.

Harry: Okay, Awesome.

Zayn: I will see you when I get back.

Harry: Okay, I Love You Baby.

Zayn: I Love You Too.

Harry: Bye.

Zayn: Bye.

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