Chapter 2: Stomach Bug ( Brianna) Part 2

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* No Pov's *

Zayn: Harry, I am back.

Harry: You get what we needed from the grocery store.

Zayn: Yes...I need help putting the groceries up though.

Harry: I will be down there in a minute.

Zayn: Okay.

~ In the bathroom and bedroom upstairs ~

Harry: It okay princess.

Brianna: Daddy, this is awful. * still throwing up *

Harry: I know sweetie I know.

Brianna: I feel so bad. * still throwing up *

Harry: I know baby girl...your almost finished...just a few more minutes and then you will be done, and you can cuddle with Olaf.

Brianna: Okay. * finishing in the bathroom *

Harry: You can handle these last few minutes okay.

Brianna: okay. * throwing up for a few more minutes *

Harry: Sweetie, are you finished?

Brianna: Yes. *falls back gently on her dad's 5-month pregnant belly *

Harry: Come here pumpkin.

Brianna: Okay.

Harry: You did good, I am so proud of you...I know it was hard, but you got through it. * pulls his daughter into a hug *

Brianna: Thanks dad.

Harry: You are welcome.

Brianna: Daddy, I want to lay back down.

Harry: Okay baby let's go lay back down. * Flushes the toilet and helps Brianna up and into her bed *

Brianna:  Olaf! * grabs her plush and hugs him *

Harry: There you go sweetie, all tucked in... get some rest darling and feel better soon.

Brianna: Thanks daddy. * falls fast asleep *

Harry: You are welcome sweetie, I love you. * turns the light out and leaves his daughters room *

Brianna: I love you too daddy. * goes back to sleep *

~ Downstairs in the kitchen with Zayn ~

Harry: thanks Zaynie.

Zayn: You are welcome, Harry.

Harry: Brianna just threw up.

Zayn: She did?

Harry: Yeah...she has the stomach flu.

Zayn: Really, she does.

Harry: Yes.

Zayn: Our poor princess.

Harry: Yeah.

Zayn: Is she in pain?

Harry: Yes, she has been in a whole lot of pain with her stomach and her head.

Zayn: Poor baby.

Harry: Yeah.

Brianna: Ouch! * starts crying *

Harry: I think that is Brianna.

Zayn: Harry, how about I go see what's going on with Brianna.

Harry: I can do it.

Zayn: No really shouldn't be walking up steps when you are pregnant.

Harry: Okay.

Zayn: Can you please handle putting up the rest of the groceries.

Harry: Yes, I can.

Zayn: Great...I can handle Brianna right now.

Harry: Alright.

~ Upstairs with Brianna ~

Zayn: Hey princess.

Brianna: Daddy.

Zayn: What is it sweetie?

Brianna: My stomach hurts so much, and my headache is now a migraine.

Zayn: It does sweetie?

Brianna: Yes.

Zayn: Oh my goodness sweetheart.

Brianna: I think I am going to throw up again.

Zayn: Let me get you to the bathroom.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: Almost there.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: Here we are, in the bathroom.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: See, look your frozen night light is shouldn't irritate your migraine sweetie.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: I am going to pull your hair back sweetheart.

Brianna: Okay. * moans *

Zayn: It's okay sweetie.

Brianna: Ugh...i don't want to throw up.

Zayn: I understand.

Brianna: Okay. * starts to throw up *

Zayn: It's okay sweetheart.

Brianna: I don't like throwing up.

Zayn: I understand sweetheart.

Brianna: Daddy. * Still throwing up *

Zayn: Sweetheart, i understand.

Brianna: I want to be done.

Zayn: I understand.

Brianna: My stomach feels awful.

Zayn: I understand.

Brianna: I think that i am finished.

Zayn: Okay...back to bed sweetie.

Brianna: Okay.

Zayn: I love you sweetie.

Brianna: Love you too. * Falls back to sleep *

Zayn: My poor sweetie.

Harry: What was going on with our daughter Brianna?

Zayn: Brianna's stomach was hurting her so bad, and her headache turned into a migraine headache, and she just got finished throwing up.

Harry: Is she alright.

Zayn: Yes...she is asleep right now.

Harry: Okay.

Zayn: Thanks for putting up the rest of the groceries.

Harry: You are very welcome.

Zayn: I Love You Baby.

Harry: I Love You Too Babe.

Here is the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2024 ⏰

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