[Interlude] Something Only He Knows

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"So...let me get this straight," The interviewer remarks, sitting forward slightly with her elbows resting on her thighs, "You're telling me the story about Patrick and Joe meeting at Borders and then Joe introducing Patrick to Pete, Andy coming in later, isn't true?"

The four band members exchange a glance before the bassist replies, "Well...it's not entirely false. It's just that the details have been a little skewed."

"And what happened to this Stella girl? That's her name, correct?" She inquires, shifting her gaze to Patrick whose head is hung low as he plays with the microphone in his hands. Pete, Joe, and Andy look over at him as well. "Patrick?"

He glances up from his lap, "Yes?"


The singer's cheeks grow a deep shade of red and he tugs at his collar, "Yeah, what about her?"

"What happened to her? She pretty much brought the four of you together, where is she now?"

The singer swallows hard, "I-I don't really want to talk about it."

"And why is that?" The interviewer presses. Being an interviewer, the only thing on her mind is to get a good story, regardless of the interviewees resistance or refusal to answer questions.

"Come on, Patrick," Joe urges him, elbowing his friend gently in the arm, "Tell the nice lady. You've told her everything so far."

"Besides," Andy interjects, his voice quiet and soft, "You're the only one who really knows what happened."

The interviewer sits back in her chair, the corner of her dark red lips curling up into a smirk and her eyes sparkling as she anticipates Patrick's response.

Tears waver in the singer's bluish-green eyes. He hasn't told anyone this part of the story before. Not the fans, not his family, not even his best friends who were there on the sidelines when it all happened.

He doesn't want to remember how he really got to where he was today. He doesn't want to unlock the vault, remembering all that happened after his supposed-to-be happy ending.

"Well?" The interviewer questions, all eyes in the room on Patrick.

He sniffles a little before clearing his throat and saying, "I guess you could say that things took a turn for the worst about four years after we moved to record our first studio album..."

Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry for this über shitty update. I just honestly had no idea what to write, but I hate to disappoint you guys by not updating, so I came up with the best I could. I'm really sorry if I totally dropped the bomb with this chapter (though I don't even think it really counts as one). Anyways, thanks for reading and let's hope the next chapter's better! *fingers crossed* -Rachael

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