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I smiled brightly and wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead. I took a deep breath and sang to the beautiful girls standing before me

"I'm looking for the one tonight, but I can't see you, cause I'm blinded by all the lights, oh". I mentally smirked knowing that that's exactly what I'm doing: looking for the one. I know she's here. I just talked to her before the show. She told me she was running late, but she would be here by the end.

"And I can never get it right, I need a breakthrough, why are you do hard to find, oh". my eyes scanned the room again, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. I know she's here, why can't I find her?

"I've been searching every city, never giving up". Rocky took it away. I moved over to him to share his mic. Our fans really love when we do that.

"'til I find my angel, diamond in the rough". I smiles goofily as he sang that line. I wrote it. My eyes scanned the crowd yet again trying to find my angel, my diamond in the rough.

"Looking for a signal, baby turn it up Tonight!" I sang my notes effortlessly, a skill squired from singing them every single night for almost two months.y fingers found my next chord automatically. I could play this song in my sleep. Which is good since I'm not paying any attention to what I'm doing. Where is she?

"Come on get loud, loud, let it out. Shout it out from the rooftops! Come on get loud, 'til they shut us down! Come one get loud, loud, let it out. Show me everything that you've got come on get loud, loud, I need you now!" come on I need you now! Where are you? Rydel and rocky continued I na na na part. I was too busy focused on trying to find her. She's here. I can feel it.

"I'm looking for the light to shine, I start a fire, girl I'll be the first in line, oh". My eyes flashed to the merchandise stand in the back of the room wherIe saw Ryland talking to a short brunette about something. she had her back to me, but she seemed to be agreeing with everything he was saying. He made a strange gesture to a shirt on the table between them and she laughed. Something about the way her shoulder moved with every intake of breath hypnotized me. Ryland looked up at the stage and saw me staring at them. He must have told her what he saw because suddenly her brown hair was flying off her shoulders as she whipped around to look at me. My breath caught in my throat and my fingers moved out of place on the heck of my guitar, making me play the wrong chord. Riker snorted, showing he clearly didn't approve of my mistake, but I didn't even look at him. My eyes were locked on the little brunette.

"and baby when our stars align, and we can't get no higher, just give me a sign". I sang directly to her, wishing she would somehow understand that I mean what I'm signing. She smiled her goofy, childish smile that was reserved for me, no one else. She was clearly oblivious to my feelings.

"Come on get loud, loud, let it out, shout it out from the rooftops, come on get loud 'til they shut us down". I became too lost in my own thoughts to be aware of what was going on around me. I was still watching that childish smile, the one that belonged to my best friend in the entire world, Mikayla Mason. I honestly can't tell you how we met, where we met, or even when we met, but we have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've always done everything together. In elementary school, we were never in the same class, but we would find each other on the playground and just talk. Just talk. I always loved talking to her. Our moms were close, so we gave each other rides home almost every day. When I moved to California, things got a little complicated. We managed to keep in touch for about a year before her parents split and her mom moved out to LA, bringing Kayla with her. We quickly became inseparable again. We've always been those friends who totally act like a couple, but would never even think about dating. Well, until a few months ago...

Things changed. At least they did for me. I don't know about her, but I fell hard. Fast. I guess I should have saw it coming, she started affecting me differently a long time ago. But one day, while shoring Austin and Ally, mikayla decided to try a dress that Laura had gotten for the VMAs and my heart stopped the second she walked out. Ever since then I have been trying to play it cool, but I have to tell her sooner or later, right?

Not long after that her mom passed away in a bad car accident and she was forced to move back to Colorado with her father. Things got shaky again and she still had no idea how I felt. Finally, just a week or so ago, her dad got a promotion that required them to move out to LA. So this is the first time I've seen my best friend in almost 3 months.

Tragic, isn't it?

"Na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na na na naaaaaa". All 5 of us finished singing the lyrics to Loud and I realized that I was still starring and Kay was still smiling. I smiled go myself before thanking the amazing R5 Family for all the support. We all said one last Thank you, then I ran offstage, knowing the sooner I got backstage, the sooner I could hug her. And I really need a good hug from my best friend right now.


Okay so first chapter... What do you guys think? And yeah my chapters may seem kinda short but I like havin the story split up like this... Anyway feedback would be freaking amazing! You can tweet me feedback at @R5Miss, or you know you could follow me because I post sneak peaks and edits and stuff there... Yeah:)

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