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You know that feeling when you're awake but you don't really want to be, So you just lay there with your eyes closed, enjoying your little escape from reality.

I laid in bed for a long time, just thinking. I thought about the tour and how amazing each and every stop had been. Even if I hadn't been able to see my friends as much as I wanted, it was worth it when we got to connect with so many many every night.

And I thought about Mikayla.

Last night came back to me in a rush, and I realized that I couldn't feel the pressure of her head against my chest. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

My room was empty.

But Mikayla had been here laying next to me when I fell asleep.

I shot out of bed and scrambled to my door. I ran downstairs, looking in every room on the way to see if she was in there. I reached the kitchen an found my family sitting at the table eating breakfast. Still no sign of Kay.

"where is she?" I asked breathlessly.

"where's who?" Riker asked.


"I haven't seen her." rocky stated.

"neither have I!" I yelled back.

"We thought she was in your room." my dad inquired.

"So did I!" I yelled again.

"well where could she have gone?" Rydel asked, getting worried.

"your guess is as good as mine!" I shouted.

"Okay calm down! When was the last time you saw her, Ross?" my mom asked.

"L-last night. We- we got in a fight. We made up before we went to bed though. A-and she fell asleep right next to me!" I struggled to hold back tears as the situation at hand sunk in. Mikayla, sweet innocent Mikayla, was no where to be found.

"Maybe she went for a drive!" my mom tried to comfort me.

"she doesn't have a license mom. Driving scares her."

"Maybe she went for a walk."

I wanted so badly for my dads suggestion to be right, but deep down I knew it wasn't. I mean she can be sneaky and aloof but she was never like that with me. She was always straight up with me because she knew I was overprotective.

Without saying a word I sprinted out the front door and headed toward the small park down the road. With any luck, I will at least be able to have y emotional breakdown without my family present.

My pace slowed to a walk as I reached the park. I looked around and knew I was right: No mikayla here. I took one of the small hiking paths that I knew led far into the woods, hoping I could get far enough away from people before the sobs overtook my body.

Mikayla. Gone.

Where could she have gone? Her dad wasn't around, None of her close friends even knew she was in town. She really had nowhere to run.

Kayla. Gone.

Why would she leave? Was it something I said? Did I cross the line during our argument last night? She seemed to forgive me. Did I miss something?

Kay. Gone.

What am I supposed to do now? Call the police? Do I try to find her?


I finally reached an OK bench next to a small creek. I sat down and surrendered to the tears. Don't judge me. Have you ever lost your best friend and ultimately the girl you love? Yeah I didn't think so. It really sucks.

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