Chapter 1. My name is Amaya.

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( Authors note: Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a Naruto fanfic so I  hope you enjoy it. Above is a quick sketch I drew of Amaya. Her mother is  twin sister to Hinata's  Mother, so she and Hinata look very alike. Amaya is 16 years old while Hinata is 10. I do not own any of the Naruto characters as they all belong to Masashi Kishimoto. )

My name is Amaya Hyūga. I'm a chunin class shinobi of Konoha and am part of the legendary Hyūga clan. I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself but I'm afraid there's nothing much to say, apart from what I just told you.

So far things haven't been going well for the Hyūga clan. We're constantly at war with Kumo, a hidden village north east to Konoha. A few years ago my younger cousin Hinata Hyūga, heiress to the Hyūga household was kidnapped by a Kumo shinobi. Fortunately we were able to get her back. I try to forget but the memory seems impossible to. The screams and tears of my heartbroken aunt, mother to Hinata still haunt my thoughts. I will never forget the cold shivers that raced down my neck when I heard the news. Hinata is like a younger sibling to me who I vowed to protect since that day on. That night when Hinata was rescued, her older cousin, Neji's Father was killed in order to keep the peace. His sacrifice helped to bring us a step closer to peace with Kumo, but since that day Neji has hated the main branch of the Hyūga household, because of this Hinata often gets upset when she tries to befriend Neji who in return just shoves her off. I tried to help her by saying 'one day he'll understand what his Father died for.'  Hinata sighed. "Do you really think that?" she asked me, tears filling her eyes. "Yes I do. Have faith" I smiled down at her and brought her in for a hug.

"AMAYA GET UP YOU'LL BE LATE!" My Mother's screams echoed the house. I sighed looking at the small, red alarm clock that rested on the drawer beside my bed. 6:30 it read. Like most teenagers I didn't want to leave my bed. It was so warm and comforting. I began to doze off again. My head resting softly on my pillow and my body curled up in a ball. "AMAYA FOR THE LAST TIME GET UP. DO YOU WANT TO MKE A SHOW OF US AT THE MEETING?". Oh shit. I forgot. Every fortnight the Hyūga clan meet up at the mansion and discuss what the future holds for the Hyūga. Since I turned 16 last week this will be my first meeting, and I was already running late. I could hear my Mother's footsteps stomping up the stairs.

I sprung out of bed and threw on my blue kimono which stopped just around the middle of my thighs and grabbed my forehead protector. I raced downstairs and grabbed a slightly warm, but burnt piece of toast. "MUM I'M READY!" I shouted up the stairs. My Mother's reply was mumbled and I struggled to understand what she had said, but I was certain it was along the lines of get going then. Since I was attending today's meeting on behalf of our side of the branch my Mother didn't have to go. "Man..." I thought to myself. "So much responsibility." To be honest I wasn't the most reliable shinobi. I had a bad habit of forgetting vital information, one time I even forgot to show up for a mission. I was about to race out the door when I remembered.
"Sorry Dad, almost forgot." I said with a smile to the picture frame that neatly rested in our kitchen. I lit a small incense candle and placed my hands together in prayer position. "Watch over me at today's meeting." I asked. I opened my eyes and stood up, put on my shoes and headed off.

As I was approaching the Hyūga mansion I was greeted by an unexpected voice. "Hey Amaya!" The cool and gentle voice called out to me from behind. I turned around already recognising it.
"What's up?" I called back with a laugh. I saw the figure of my childhood friend Tokuma Hyūga walking towards me. "You going to todays meeting?" He asked with a cute grin.                                                    
"Sure am. First time as well." I replied.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. It had only dawned on me how nervous I actually was. I wasn't prepared for this.
"Ehh... A little nervous actually." I said rubbing the back of my head.
"I can tell"
"What.. how?" I asked, a bit shocked.
'And that you're in rush because you forgot all about it." He added laughing.
"Ok really how did you get that?" I asked amazed by what he had just concluded.
"Well for a start your hair isn't brushed, your kimono is on all sloppy, you ate your breakfast whilst walking as you are covered in crumbs." He said chuckling. "You're walking at a brisk pace and you're playing with your thumbs which is something you do when your nervous." He added.
I quickly turned from Tokuma and franticly brushed all the crumbs off and tried my best to straighten my hair. "Do you think anyone will notice?" I asked panicking. I could hear my Mother already giving out to me.
"No you look fine." Tokuma said. "I just know you so well that's all." It was true. Out of everyone in my life Tokuma knew me the best. He could tell when I was upset or angry and always tried his very best to cheer me up. He had been there for me when my Father was killed in an ambush by Kumo.

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