Chapter One

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I woke up with a stupid beeping in my ears that wouldn't stop. It seemed so, incredibly loud, and I hated it. I cracked my eyes open, propping myself onto my elbows. I was in a hospital room, which explained the beeping. A heart monitor, prominent out of the birage of machines because of the noise it was making. Something I soon realized was I didn't know much of anything. Not my name, not my age.

I knew simple things, like hospitals and heart monitors, but I didn't know my name. However, I knew two names. Kyro and Riven Destan. For some reason, I didn't think either of them were me. I pressed the nurse call button, hoping that they would let me walk around for a while. At least so I could find Kyro and Riven, whoever they were.

I was allowed up (after much convincing), and went to the receptionist. "Can you tell me where either Kyro or Riven Destan are?" I asked, my voice hoarse and quiet.

"Riven Destan was discharged, Kyro is in the maternity ward. Room 325," the receptionist replied, and I nodded before following signs and heading to the maternity ward.

Kyro must have been a woman, if she was in the maternity ward. Rare to find a man in there unless he was the father. I neared room 325, stopping just outside when I heard voices.

"So, uh... How was... It?" A woman's voice questioned, quiet and scared-sounding.

"First off, 'it' is a boy. He's... Little. They're saying the first twenty-four hours are critical, it's where they watch and see what's up. Nothing we can do, honey," a male voice answered, also sounding somewhat terrified, but more composed than the woman.

"What about Malorn?" The woman asked again, the man sighing.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me. Seeing Malorn is different than seeing the baby, and I just... I wanted to check."

At that point, I shuffled in, recognizing the name Malorn. The woman noticed me first, the man with his back to me. Her jaw dropped, teal eyes staring at me.

The woman in the bed was beautiful. I assumed that she was Kyro, her face triggering something in my memory. She was very tall and muscular, the bed looking small in comparison to her. She had to be at least six feet tall, she seemed to be a giant. As tired as she looked, she still looked amazing. Tan skin and dark hair, pulled back. She was wearing black leggings and a sweatshirt, though I was able to see that her arms were bandaged.

"What are you gaping at?" The man murmured, the woman just pointing at me.

"Am I... Interrupting something?" I queried, taking a small step back as the man looked at me.

The man was handsome, though looked a bit strange. He had light brown eyes that calmed me as I looked at them, and was shorter than me (although not by much). His features were soft, comforting, with a slight stubble on his cheeks. Something that my mind found to be abnormal. He had dark skin, and I assumed he was of African descent. The thing that stood out to me was he had a bright pink Mohawk that went halfway down his back.

"So much for going to see Malorn, huh," the man mumbled, the woman still in awe of me.

"R-Riven... Riven, you said he wasn't supposed to be awake for another three days," the woman murmured, voice becoming more fearful as she spoke, grabbing the back of Riven's black, long-sleeved shirt.

"I know what I said, but you know Malorn is always eager to get things done," the man replied before turning his attention to me. "What do you remember?"

"Nothing, really. I'm assuming I'm Malorn?" I asked in return, earning a nod from the man.

"I was afraid of that..." he sighed. "Alright, well. I'm Riven, and that's Kyro," he gestured to the woman who was holding onto the back of his shirt. She looked terrified, which alarmed me. Maybe she just didn't like hospitals?

"I think you should sit," Riven said, gently moving me to shit on the edge of Kyro's bed. "I'm sure it's been explained to you, but you were in a car accident, and you had severe head trauma. You have amnesia, which is why you can't remember much... Or anything at all."

"Riven, get out of nurse mode. You're beginning to scare me," Kyro grumbled, the woman making herself smaller and curling up near the head of the bed.

"Not a fan of hospitals?" I ask, seeing her shake her head. "I'm the same way," I try to reassure her. It didn't seem to work.

"So, I'm in a car accident, wake up in the ICU, and all I remember is your names. Are we really good friends, or is there something that I'm missing here?" I spoke, Kyro shifting uncomfortably and trying to curl up more.

"You're missing something," she sighed, looking away. "Ever heard of polyamory?"

"I have knowledge of what it is, but I woke up not knowing everything, so... In an attempt to piece things together, I'd say we're all together?"

"You've always been good at figuring things out really quickly," Riven chuckled. "Yeah, all three of us are together."

"One more question for you two that I can't really figure out... Why are you in the maternity ward?" I questioned, looking at Kyro.

She sighed, swallowing thickly. "You were driving, Riven was in the passenger's seat, and I was asleep in the back. Some guy ran a red light and smashed right into us, you got a lot of the force of it. I just got hit with a lot of debris, and got too many stitches to count. The hospital said that the baby was in distress, or something like that. I don't know, I wasn't awake, ask Riven. I got sedated, they delivered the kid through C-Section while I was knocked out. The kid's... He had two months before he was supposed to be born, so they don't know if he's gonna be okay."

My heart broke a little at the story, one of my hands going over to hold hers. "I'm sure the baby's gonna be okay. Got another question, though... Out of me and Riven, who's the dad?"

Kyro cracked a small smile and shrugged. "We... We had some sort of pact between us. We all wanted kids, and we didn't really care who the dad was, since we'd all be raising it. We can run a paternity test, but... I dunno. It's all ours, anyway."

I nodded, trying to understand. It seemed fairly simple, I just couldn't wrap my head around it. "If you want, I can go see the baby with you, Kyro."

"Tomorrow," she answered. "Tomorrow."

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