Chapter 4

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When we were in New York we found a giant school that said " Charles Xaiver school for gifted youngsters." After we landed we headed inside, they said I can look around in the school until they would call me, I was walking around until I saw a young man on an operating table, he had silver blond hair with a little bit of brown in it, his body was covered in bandages with a little bit of blood on them, and I saw a woman with him holding a cross necklace and she looked like she was praying in Russian.

Raven came behind me and told me to come with her, but I asked her who that boy was and she answered me, "That's Pietro Maximoff, Erik Lennsher's son." she said, "who's that with him" I asked looking at the woman beside him. "Wanda Maximoff, Pietro's twin sister." She said, I saw Wanda look up with a scared look on her face and then she burst into tears and walked out of the room, Raven went after her and started speaking Russian to her.

"Wanda, co je s tebou?" (what's wrong with you). she asked her

"Ste nebol odpovade na moje volanie". (you haven't been answering my calls). Raven said to her

"Nemôzem vam poveat' hned' (I cant tell you right now) Wanda said to her

"Áno môzes." (yes you can) Raven said to her, Wanda then looked over at me and then looked back at Raven.

"Kto je ten druhy mutant?" (who's the other mutant) Wanda asked.

"Ona je tá tvoj otec ma poslal k nájdeniu" (she's the one your father sent me to find) Raven answered her.

"Môzete ju poslat' takhle." (you can't send her in like that) Wanda said and walked off.

Raven looked at me and took me with her and she gave me some new clothes, after I got changed she took me to see Magneto.

"Erik, I brought her." Raven said to him and then he looked at me

"Oh, Annika you still look the same." He said to me

"Hi Erik." I said to him and he smiled, and looked at the other woman.

"Dr. Green. Leave us, please." He said to the other woman

The woman looked and said "five minutes,no more." And then walked off. I looked at Erik again, he looked at me with a worried face.

"Erik, whats wrong with you?" I asked him

"There's something I need to worn you about, there are other mutants in the world, evil ones who try to kill the others, and you are one of them that they are trying to kill, and I would like you to take my place to protect all mutant brother's and sister's. Can you do that for me?" He asked me and I nodded

"I will protect our kind" I said and walked off but he grabbed my arm.

"And promise me something else someone else is after him you need to protect him." He said and I got confused.

"Who" I asked

"Pietro, my son, he is a natural, you must protect him." He said

I leaned in close and said "I will protect him." And walked away. When I walked out I saw the boy that was on the the operating table earlier with his sister arguing to another person in Russian, I couldn't understand what they were saying but when Wanda was yelling the person cut her by slapping her across the face, she started to run for the cliff but i turned into my wolf form and started running after her. Before she could jump off I stopped her and tried to calm her down.

"Are you done now?" I asked her as she struggled to let go

"Let go of me." She said and I released her. She walked off and Pietro looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you." He said to me and I smiled in return

(Ten minutes later)

I looked outside to see the view, Raven came back with a glass of water for me. I looked at the picture of Wanda and Pietro.

"So what happened to Pietro?" I asked her

"During the battle with Ultron in Sokovia he was shot with several bullets." She said

"And he managed to survive that?" I asked and took a sip of my water.

"Yeah, he was so lucky." She said. "It's a little late I'll get you a flight in the morning." She said and I looked at her and I nodded, and she walked out.


Hey guys, sorry if its a bad chapter, but make you comment so I can see what you think. The next chapter is where the action starts.
Be sure to comment.

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