Chapter 2

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"Lady lex lady lex it's time to awaken" a soft little voice shakes me as I awake
"I'm up just wait" I say in my grodiy morning voice

I open my eyes to see my HS (human slave) she's only 6 and is completely like a robot she's so cute but talks like a 20 year old she doesn't understand slangs.

She's in her maid uniform I call her Marie because when my mom gave her to me she was just a cry baby child that couldn't Evan speak when I had her completely under my control she became like my mother she cooks and cleans, wakes me up and shit like that she's basically all I need but my brothers call me cheap because they all got 3 HS but they all are ugly and they use them for sex and practice they have all girls except Shanzton he has 2 boys and a 1 girl they got them cause they ask for them on there birthdays but I only wanted clothes and food Marie was a gift before father died so I accepted it and when mom went mad
Marie watched over me so it may look weird but she more of mother than my real one.

We didn't see my mother ever since yesterday she said her goodbyes and told us she well save the family honour with her live.

She is suppose to pass to day but yet it starts off as a normal day the woman who gave live to me well die and I'm just getting up from a normal sleep.

I get up and look at Marie who has never once had a single emotion on her face but I got use to it.

I head to my private washroom to take a shower in my normal vampire room is big and has colours mostly black and white a little red but hardly since we drink it. I snap my finger telling Marie to bring me my clothes and towel.

Usually we, as vampires all take normal showers and sleep normal.
I jump in the cold water telling me to wake up.

I hear the door open and close telling me Marie has finish picking out my clothes for me.
I turn the water off and jump out of the shower as soon as the cold air hits my pale skin my fangs poke out.

I dry of and put on my usual skanky under wear and bra Marie tells me that it's more womanly to wear them.
We are royal so we wear dresses which is uncomfortable but normal to us now.

I look at the dress Marie picked, it's nothing special Evan though my mom well die in less than 6 hours
It's pretty though
It's black and it matches my dark black hair and goes with anything I put on my red heels that match my eyes the dress is tight on the top and poofy at the bottom that it the length of my knees it has no straps but stays up good. I put on my royal necklace that has a flame to shows what kingdom im in for it has some earrings to match it so I guess I'll wear those too.

I walk out of the bathroom and head out of my room I walk down the big hallway, and down the perfect white carpet I look at every picture of the family queens and kings portrait before my mom and father.
There is quite a lot of them but yet they look the same no smile good posture elegant dresses and Ties perfect faces but yet the dark red eye that separate them all just by one look into them you can tell what they are like.

It's like walking down a timeline that never ends queens and kings of vampires the war was eons ago and the population has expanded 10 times before humans ran the world. I was never human but sometimes I ask Marie what's it like. She told me story's of her mom and dad and siblings and why water comes from her eyes.
As I come to the end of the hallway I enter through the big doors into the elegant dress room this house is sometimes too big for us but yet I would want it bigger so I don't have to see my brothers lol.

I look around for Marie but instead I see Katy,Cathy and Beth. Dallans HS
They are in the corner by the changing curtains seems like they are just getting ready finishing putting on there flats to go with there maid uniforms. All HS have maid uniforms but the masters usually pick what they wear Marie has one too but I didn't pick it she had it on when mom gave her to me and ever since she wears it and washes it,

It seem she's not in here she's probably in the next room over waiting in the 4th bathroom .

I walk out normal since they didn't  Evan notice me. HS usually only pay attention to the owners.

It only take a couple step but with my heels and my pride I have to walk with elagents since I was raised that way it's the only way I know.
I enter the big silver glass door and there she is with out a care in the world

"Sit, let me do your hair lady lex"
She speaks with no emotions

She points to the chair in the middle of the room.

I do as she says considering my damp long black hair hanging down my back.

She usually does my hair that matches my dress and stuff since we vampires don't wear makeup.

"Marie what time is it" I ask

"12:00am lady lex"

"That early huh"
I can feel her small hands moving fast on my scalp after all she's been doing it for 400 years.
I got her at age 4 but to humans 400 years old but now I'm 17 and in two days It will  be my birthday.

"All done lady lex... And don't forget that tomorrow we'll be the red moon festival"

"Yes Marie thank you get my outfit ready to go" I say while heading out the door

I take one more look before shut the door close but always she's just bowing to me

So tomorrow is the red moon festival it's been 2 years since I saw the other kingdom cause last year i couldn't attend considering  mothers insanity but this year I have to attend the festival.
The red moon is a day where the red moon appears and it's the night all the kingdoms and villages gather in the centre of the earth the pureblood all stay in the same house for a night and to make it worse they all brag about stuff like money and HS and how much blood they can have.

I know I'll just go see Pierce and Dallan I bet there in the game room or Even in the kitchen.
They always are together
I bet Shanzton is outside
I wonder what the red moon festival well be like this year...

Kind of a cliffhanger?
I guess 🙌

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