Should've Kissed You (NH)

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seems like every time,
I get the chance, I lose my cool
& I blow it.
I get all tongue tied, lost in your eyes,
I'm a fool and I know it
I should've kissed you,
I should've told you,
told you just how I feel.
next time I won't stop, I'll listen to my heart, because what I feel is real.

Your pov;
I was waiting for Niall to get home from tour. He said he'd come visit me as soon as he got off the plane. You see, Niall is my best friend. I've known him since I was little. He's always been such an amazing person, protecting me and putting my needs first, but ever since he became a part of one direction, I barely see him. He's always on tour, recording, doing interviews, going to award shows. It seems like he never has time for his best friend anymore. I can't deny, I've fallen for him... A lot. I couldn't help it. Everytime I look at him I get this feeling that I never want to let go of. He makes me so happy. I just wish he could see that.

Niall's pov;
Well, this is it. I finally get to see (y/n) after all this time. I've missed her so much. Don't get me wrong, I love touring and being in the band, it's just, I wish (y/n) was here with me all the time. I do love her. I've loved her since the day I met her. We were little kids, but I still felt such a huge connection towards her. I do believe she is my soulmate. I helped her when she was down, I watched her get heartbroken by jerks that didn't even love her. I've been there for her through it all, but lately it's been hard. I'm always gone. Tonight I'm going to change all of that. I'm going to tell (y/n) how I feel. I'm going to finally make her mine.
I just left the airport and now, I'm on my way to (y/n)'s. My heart starts to pound against my chest and my hands get slightly clammy as I grip onto the steering wheel. What if she doesn't feel the same? What if I ruin my friendship with her? But what if she loves me and returns my feelings? What if she wants me too? All these thoughts ran through my head as I pulled up to her flat. Here it goes.

Your pov;
I was really nervous for him to come over. I've never felt so scared to see Niall. He always made me very calm but there was something about this encounter that was making me very uneasy. The sound of car door closing snapped me out of my thoughts. He was here! He was finally gonna be here. Not a Skype call, a text or a memory. He's gonna be right here. I opened the door to a smiling Niall. His smile just blew me away.

Niall's pov;
As I stood in front of her door, I knew this was it. She had to be mine. She opened the door and looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing my old sweater I gave her before the boys and I left. She had her hair in a loose ponytail and a pair of sweatpants on. Never have I seen anything so perfect. The love of my life was standing right in front of me.
She gave me a huge smile and whispered, " I missed you nialler". I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into a hug. My head nuzzled into her neck as I smelt her scent that was oh so familiar. She always used vanilla body mist and that has become her signature scent over the years. We let go of our embrace and I looked her in the eyes. There was something about this moment.

Your pov;
He stared at me with his beautiful big eyes. I knew there was something he wasn't saying. I pulled away from him and let him take his coat off and settle down on my couch. I sat next him and we small talked for a while. Our conversation varied from all the stops he made on his tour to how things were doing here while he was touring.
"Things weren't the same without you", Niall said but looked down at his hands. "I missed you. So so much. You were all I thought about. The only thing that got me through all these shows was knowing I was coming home to you." "I've missed you much. Every night I'd look forward to seeing you again nialler." He finally met my gaze as I confessed this to him. I leaned closer to him, feeling like this would be the perfect time to kiss the guy I've been in love with so long and then suddenly, something changed in Niall. He froze, stood up and went to get his jacket. "Wait.. Why are you leaving?" You said in tears. You knew he wouldn't love you like you always loved him. It was too good to be true. He looked at you with tears streaming down his face. "I'm scared (y/n)." You were so confused. "Trust me, I want this. (Y/n), ever since I met you, I've fallen for you. I meant every word I've said to you. I'm..I'm in love with you. I love you more than anything." He continued. He wiped his eyes and gave you a look of regret. Your heart completely stopped as he walked a little closer to you. "I'm just scared that if i kissed you, what if it didn't work out? Or you wanted to walk away? I know I'm an idiot, I just never felt this way about anyone before. I've always been in love with you. I'm just scared of losing the only person I've ever loved."

Niall's pov;

I'm such an idiot, she tried to kiss me and I completely rejected her. How could I be so stupid? I love this girl. I'm just so scared. I can't loose (y/n). As I look into her eyes, I didn't want to pretend anymore. I let all of my feelings out for her to know. She's the only girl I've ever wanted to be with. She was the love of my life. At that moment I did what I should've done a long time ago. I kissed her. The way her lips connected onto mine was absolutely breathtaking. Our lips were like puzzle pieces. We completed each other. Her hands started to go to my chest as mine made its way to her cheeks. Nothing could ever compare to this. We both pulled away breathless. "I should've done that a long time ago. I should've kissed you. I should've told you but I was scared. What I feel for you is real and that'll never change. As long as I live, it'll always be you. I love you more than anything (y/f/n)."
"There's nothing to be scared of, I'm yours Niall. I love you too."

hellllllllooooo! This preference was inspired by Chris browns song, "should've kissed you". I think I'm going to write about the rest of the boys with Chris brown inspired themes. So I hope you like this one, and new ones will be coming up soon. Love you guys x

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