Chapter One

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Kayla's POV

My eyes wondered the dead tree with words printed on it in front of me, having it creating a blissful, terrifying hallucination as I continued to read on. The book was called Anna Dressed in Blood, and in this scene, she was being dragged down to hell with the thing that killed Cas' father. The fact that a dead girl, yes I said dead, can get a cute boy and I can't is really starting to piss me off. I don't care if it's just a book, it still grinds my gears.
As I finished the rest of the book, I laid back slightly on the bean bag I am resting on and looked up at the library's roof. It's so peaceful here. No yelling parents, no bullies and where no one would bother looking for a teenage girl. It's perfect.
I pull out my journal and begin to scribble down some words on a new page.

Oh lousy journal, I write to you again. The sad part is, you have no choice but to listen to this whiny, annoying teenage girl. So I'll just dive right into it for you.
Today was another lousy day, and I'm terrified of school starting. Don't get me wrong, I love love loooooove school, just not the people. You feel me? Anywho, my mother decided to leave again, so that means dad goes on his annual "business trip" again.
Don't you love hard working parents? Oh how I hope you could smell the sarcasm of that.
Because I honestly hate being home alone.
When will it be my turn? To be happy and successful? To be loved and cherished? Sophomore or not, I still long for this feeling. This feeling of happiness. How does one simply become happy, like genuinely happy? How does one get up everyday and put a smile on their face and actually mean it?
I suppose I'll stop bothering you for awhile.

I sighed as I wrapped up my journal entry. I began doodling lyrics to Can't Save Myself by As It Is. I smiled as I began doodling Ben's face in the corner of my journal.
I then turned the page and began scribbling down some more lyrics and chords that i would hopefully be putting together tonight.

"... and I found myself with you.
But just like the rest, you left too ..."

I continued to write and write some more, while listening to music.

As a few hours went by, I packed my things, got up from my secret corner and walked out of the library and headed home.

Benjamin's POV

I got to the library, and sat in my usual spot.
Surprisingly, this is what I do. It helps me a lot when coming up with new ideas for songs. I guess it's being surrounded by books that inspires me to write. I pulled out my notebook, and began scribbling down more lyrics.

When I looked up, I saw a girl hiding in a corner on a bean bag, long blue hair that covered her face as she was looking down at her journal, writing. She leaned back against the bean bag, and looked up at the ceiling, and took a big sigh. I smiled, as I saw my bands name on her shirt. But it wasn't a design we came up with, she mist have created it.

I began writing once more, and when I looked up, I saw the girl get up and leave.
As she walked out, the girl dropped something with out realizing. Before someone else could get it, I quickly gathered my things
I quickly looked through it to see if there was any information I could get of the girl, but all I could find that her name was Kayla. Thats when I found a envelope with her address on it and tickets inside.
Being the nosey person I am, I look to see who she was going to see. It was us. As It Is was who she was going to see. My band.
I quickly went to my car and drove to Kayla's house to return her journal.

Kayla's POV

As soon as I got home, I went to my bedroom and flung my book bag into a corner while I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. As usual, I checked my social media, posted a few things then began to blare my music.
I went to go grab my journal out of my book bag when I realized it wasn't there. I began panicking and searching all around my room and dumped my book bag out and searched it a million times.
After awhile, I heard my door bell ring and I went down stairs. I opened the door and my jaw dropped.

"Hi, you're Kayla right?" The man asked.

It was Benjamin. As in Benjamin fucking Biss from As It Is.

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