Oh Sh*t...

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Throwing that ball at Zoro's head wasn't one of the smartest things I could have done... and laughing at it was even less smart.  The way he just slowly turned around with that burning glare would have be enough to send anyone fleeing.  It literally felt like the gaze of a predator eyeing up his prey and it sent a weird chill straight up my spine.

Deciding it would be better to avoid my imminent death, I casually got up from my spot on the grassy deck and for lack of a better word, fled... straight up the portside stairs and back towards the stern of the ship.

Too bad he actually got up to chase after me.

Suddenly fearing for my life, my lazy escape evolved into a panicked sprint, taking a quick left once I reached the back of the ship.  I made my way starboard, flying past the infirmary and approaching the railing fast.  I could literally feel the swordsman's presence behind me and suddenly my heart was in my throat. Without a second thought, I flung myself over the side and sloppily dropped down to the lower balcony of the ship's aquarium bar.  I barely caught myself on the lower railing, hastily flipping my body over the safety of the balcony once I found my footing.  I flopped onto the ground but immediately stood up to map out my escape route, wondering if I should run along the outside of the balcony or head inside to the bar.

For a brief moment, I thought Zoro had quit his chase since I couldn't hear him.  My moment of solace however turned into instant fright when said man suddenly dropped down from above and caught himself on the railing.  He immediately tried grabbing for my arm but I jumped out of his reach with a yelp, my shoulder bumping against the doorframe in my haste.  My hands scrambled to grab the door knob as the swordsman found his footing to jump over the railing, my eyes widening in alarm as he paused to grin at me.

Finally finding the handle, I flung the door open and turned to escape down the hallway that curved behind the glowing aquarium wall.  I tore down the narrow hall as fast as I could, painfully aware that the heavy thumping of Zoro's boots was now right behind me, the clacking of his swords getting closer and closer each second.

I was a fast runner, no doubt about it, but when it came to Zoro, he was a bit faster.  Panic hit when I realized I wouldn't be able to outrun him.  I may love the guy with all my heart and trust him with my life, but hotdamn he could be scary.

Upon reaching the other end of the curved hall, I tried to turn into the open room of the aquarium bar without crashing into the wall, nearly slipping with all the momentum.  That's when a strong hand suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back, pushing me into the very wall I was trying to avoid in the first place.

Oh shit, I'm so dead.

I immediately cringed, preparing for a foul-mouthed scolding and a nice good whack over the head for pegging him with a ball.

When nothing happened, I took a peek at the swordsman, hesitantly cracking an eye open.  I was surprised to find him standing there with a lazy smirk, gazing at me with playful obsidian eyes.  I tilted my head in utter confusion, looking up at him with wide, questioning eyes.  His grip on my shoulders had loosened and he was now gently sliding his calloused hand down my arm.

Why did he chase me if he wasn't gonna teach me a less-nmm!

Without warning, Zoro suddenly leaned in and twisted his lips into mine.  My mind immediately went blank and I froze, letting his large body crowd me into the wall as he pressed his lips against mine.

As my surprise faded away, I melted into the kiss, my dark eyes fluttering shut.  It was gentle but powerful, expressing some intense, pent up emotion I never knew the man had running through his system.

His grip on my arms tightened just before he broke the kiss, leaving me with flushed cheeks and a bewildering sense of loss.  I looked up, my mouth parting to speak but finding myself at a loss for words. Closing my eyes in frustration, I leaned forward into his chest without a word, swallowing thickly on the raw emotion building in my throat.  I barely moved when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my back and pulled me closer to his warmth, effectively tucking my head under his chin.

I don't understand.  He had been drinking at the party, but he doesn't get drunk... so then how?  How was this possible?  Was I dreaming?  I had to be dreaming.  There was no other way...

I accidentally let a small whine slip as I tried to sort out what was happening, my hands raising to fist the sides of his white shirt.  The emotions I suddenly felt were damn near suffocating with how strong they were... the bottled up affection I held for this man suddenly bursting open all in one single moment.  Pressing into his body, I tilted my head, nuzzling into his throat as I suddenly felt the overwhelming need to express how much that kiss really meant to me.

"Z-zor..." my voice broke with emotion at the mere thought of him possibly liking me as much as I liked him.  Zoro shushed me and raised a hand to thread his fingers through the messy hair at the back of my head, squeezing me even tighter with his other arm.  I practically melted into his body, going limp as he tilted my head to pepper my temple with gentle kisses.

The next thing I knew, my feet were no longer on the ground, the swordsman lifting me into his arms with one hand hooked securely under my bottom and the other arm supporting my back, hand still threaded in my hair.  Almost immediately I slumped into his hold, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pressing my cheek against his, receiving a slight hum from the man.

The swordsman calmly walked the rest of the way into the bar and carried me to the curved couch that lined the aquarium wall.  He gently laid me on the cushioned seat, removing his swords before climbing on top of me.  The light of the aquarium was just enough to fill the entire room in a calm, blue glow, highlighting the strong silhouette of his body as he held himself over me.  I blushed, acutely aware of the muscles flexing under his tight shirt as he shifted his arms and lowered his head, pausing mere inches away from my face.  When I didn't move away, he closed the distance between us and placed a tender kiss on my lips, once again stealing my breath away.

To be Continued...

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