Chapter 2

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I ran up to .him grabbing on his shoulder pulling him off the other boy.I stared at the boy laying on the ground with blood dripping down his neck from the bite.that's when I realized who it was.......................Harry Styles..............



The four of us stood over Harry staring down at him.his eyes were closed which made me a little worried

"GREAT YOU KILLED HIM!!" Sam yelled at Luke

"I didn't kill him he's just knocked out" Luke said

"Oh like that makes it better! You bite a human do you know how bad this is? Luke you could've just let a human know our secret what would you have done if someone was with him? Huh? What happen to dads rules about sticking with us?! What if you turned him into one of us?!"I started on him before jake pushed in between us.

"stop it now!" he growled at us I backed up slightly "we need to get him to dad" he said as he picked up Harry throwing him over his shoulder before walking back into the woods us following him.

*at the house*

We brought Harry into the house and walked into the living room where our dad was siting down on the sofa he looked up at us raising an eyebrow as jake laid Harry on the sofa.

"what happened to him?" dad asked staring at us

"Luke bite him" Sam said quickly

"HE WHAT?" dad yelled standing up looking at us

"Luke bite him." I answered quietly looking down knowing we were going to get in trouble for this.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on him he's still new! He doesn't have as much control as we do!" he yelled at us I winced at his words it still felt new to me

"I left him with the boys because I stopped when I spotted a doe and apparently they didn't notice" I said pointing to jake and Sam "and Luke ran off even though he knew not to and bite him and here we are" I said

"boys I'll talk to you after I fix him up now out!" dad said picking up Harry

"I'm bringing him to your room" he said pointing to me I sighed he always uses my room for a medical room.i walked up stairs after him sitting against the wall next to the door as he worked on Harry. After a while dad finally came out.

"he should be fine" he said looking at me

"he isn't gonna turn know?" I asked hoping not

"no he didn't digest enough poison but the wound is still open so be careful when you check on him okay?" he asked I nodded

"good" he said walking away into his room.i stood up walking into my room looking at the bed to see Harry there.he looked paler than normal.i noticed the bite in his neck was cleaned up nicely.walked over and sat at the edge of the bed.i looked over at him.he opened his eyes slowly.he peered over at me before looking around the room.i pushed his head to the side gently getting a better view of the bite.he stared at me before reaching up to the bite wincing as he touched it.

"what happened?" he asked

"me and my brothers were walking through the woods before we heard you yell.we found you laying on the ground bleeding we didn't see what bite you but we brought you back here and my dad cleaned it he's a doctor" I answered hoping he would buy it he nodded.

"are you okay? Does it hurt?" I asked he shook his head.i heard a voice and I knew it was my dad yelling at the boys.i ran my hand threw his hair brushing it off his forehead.when I saw a pretty big cut.

"looks like you hit your head pretty bad" I said as I got up walking to the bathroom I turned on the light grabbing a washcloth running it under warm water before squeezing it until It was damp but not dripping.i walked Back to the room seeing his eyes closed.i gently wiped his forehead getting the blood off.he looked like he was sleeping so I slowly got up trying not to wake him up.i walked away quietly but I felt his hand grab mine I turned to see him staring at me.

"do I know you?" he asked studying me.i shook my head hoping he wouldn't notice.

"yes I do! Your the girl who stood up to alice." he said I looked away I know he's her boyfriend he probably will yell at me.

"I'm sorry" I said looking down he chuckled a little bit

"you dont have to I actually found it funny" he said smiling at me.i looked at him "what's your name?" he asked

"uh lucy...Lucy Johnson" I answered he smiled at me showing his dimples I slightly smiled back.

"I'm Harry styles" he said

"you look tired why don't you get some rest" I said he nodded

"where am I?" he asked

"in my room" I said he looked around before looking at me grinning.

"goodnight" I said before turning off the lights.


*harrys dream*

I was walking home i had just left alices house she was just being a big pain we were fighting over something unbelievably stupid she thinks that I should've sticked up for her when the girl stood up to her but to be honest I think she deserved it she has bullied that girl most of her life all she is is just a big bully.

I know that's probably a terrible thing to say about your girlfriend well..ex girlfriend now.but it wasnt even my fault but i just don't care anymore.i sighed I was still walking not really caring where I'm going. I couldn't get the girl out of my mind she was so beautiful.

Long brown wavy hair flowing down past her shoulders her,golden eyes shinning bright,her full red lips curving into a cute little smile with dimples,the way she threw her head back when she laughed, she was still adorable even when she was angry but I feel like she could be quite scary when she was serious.I noticed I started walking near the woods and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

I stopped when I heard a noise like someone stepping on a stick.i turned quickly and looked around only to see a pair of red eyes watching breath caught when it jumped on me.

I felt teeth sinking into my poison spreading through my eyes were closing as I felt my blood draining.i slowly stopped fighting back as I felt myself slip into a dark hole.

*the end of Harry's dream*

I woke up in a sweat,my breathing heavy.I looked around remembering where I was I sighed.i saw a pair of eyes staring at me.i blinked for a second and suddenly nothing was there.i shook my head I must be seeing things.

"bad dream?"I heard her voice say softly I looked over to see her in the door way leaning on her side.i looked down nodding alittle.i heard footsteps walking over and the bed dip.

"do you wanna talk about it?" she asked rubbing my back.i shook my head.

"not really" I answered quietly.she nodded.

"do you need anything?" she asked I shook my head again but what she didn't know is that I really wanted her to stay with me.she patted my back before standing up.

"Lucy?"I grabbed her hand lightly

"yes Harry?" she asked turning around staring at me even in the dark her eyes still glowed.

"stay with me?" I asked hopping she would say yes.she slowly nodded sliding in next to me.she ran her hands through my hair.i wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her to me.i noticed her eyes were closed as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck.i smiled as I traced patterns on her hip slowly closing my eyes falling into a deep sleep.


Hello my little cupcakes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter,if you did please vote and comment if I should keep going thank you!! Love you all!!!!

~ Unicornlover

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