Chapter 3

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I felt something warm against my cold skin when I woke.i opened one eye a mop of curls in my face.i sat up eyeing the boy as the memories of last night came flooding back.I got up before turning back when he mumbled something.i watched him as he rolled onto his side grabbing the pillow I was sleeping on,pulling it to his chest as he snored lightly.he reminded me of a little boy worrying after seeing his parents fight.the wrinkles on his forehead furrowing as his lips pulling down into a makes me wonder what he was dreaming about,usaully I could to other people but he mind something was protecting his thoughts from my view.i left him to his slumber as I walked to the bathroom.i peeled off my clothes before turning on the water waiting a few seconds before stepping in.i felt my muscles relaxing under the warm water before running my fingures through my hair.

Once I was finished.i pullled the shower curtain back wrapping a towel around my body.walking into my room grabbing some black skinny jeans and a tank top putting them on pulling my long hair into a braid .i walked over to Harry still deep in his slumber.i placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Harry?" I shook him a little

"it's time to get up" I said sitting down on the edge of the bed running a hand through his curls.he hummed as he slowly opened his eyes a small smile playing at his lips.

"I figured you would probably want to take a shower before school so I got some of sams clothes there on the dresser" he nodded getting up and walking to the bathroom.soon after I heard the water running I walked downstairs to see my mum cooking breakfast.

"hey sweet heart" she said smiling that's one thing I loved about her she was always in a good mood and that she was a normal person not stuck up or grumpy.she was wearing an apron that I usually never see her take off I know most mums complain about how they do all the house work but she actually loved it she says she likes to know she can take care of us and I will help her out here and there but she usually tells me to go and let her do it.she was just a normal house wife.

"I heard that we have a visitor don't get many of those" she said

"yeah his names harry but it was Luke's fault he bit him" I explained she nodded

"and once you go off to school I'm gonna have alittle chat with him"

"are the boys going hunting?" I asked

"yes since you didn't get anything but the boy last night" She said

"why don't you go get him? I would like to meet him and breakfast is almost ready" I nodded getting up from my chair.walking back upstairs I didn't hear the water running do I figured he was finished.I walked in to see him just in his boxers I looked away fast the heat in my cheek rising.

"oh uh hey Lucy" he said chuckling

"sorry" I said walking out the door.i waited until he was actually finished.he walked out smiling at me.

"what?" I asked he just laughed and walked downstairs I ran after him as he walked into the kitchen seeing my mum setting the table.she smiled at us

"you must be Harry" she said holding her hand out for him to shake instead he took her hand and kissed it.

"yes mam" he said

"well aren't you a charmer" she said I rolled my eyes.walking pass harry poking his dimple he pinched my butt when my mom looked away.i squeaked turning to him.

"are you okay dear?"mum asked looking shocked at my sudden out burst

"just fine" I said through gritted teeth glaring at Harry.he just smiled cheekily at me.the boys walked downstairs along with smiled at Harry.

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