Day 2

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I opened my eyes slowly.

I felt someone hug me, with his hands around my waist. I was ready to scream, but I saw Shen's messy brown hair, and I calmed down.

Why I was here with Shen?

Then, it came on my mind a flashback from last night.

"You didn't understand? We break up Rachel! I'm going to marry Lilian! We have already buy a house in Sweden, and we will go there to leave!"

Fresh tears started run down my cheeks. "This was only a nightmare Emily. Only a nightmare." I told myself.

Maybe I was crying so loudly that I woke up Shen.

"Shh, don't cry. We have each other right? Everything is going to be alright. Trust me."

I nodded, wiped the tears form my face.

"Good. Let's go down for breakfast." he said, trying to sound happy.

I gave him a small smile and I went downstairs with him.

This wasn't a nice view. My mum running around, try to packed her things, big boxes, men all around the house, carrying my mum's things into a big truck. After a few minutes, I noticed a young woman near the door, wearing a long coral dress and her black hair falling messy in her arms.

"Aunt!" I shouted, running to her.

"Oh, hello sweetheart!" she said, pulling me into a big hug.

Aunt Suzan is my mum's younger sister. She is my favourite aunt, because she is crazy, adventurous and an amazing cooker.

"I miss you so much!"

"Me too sweety. Now, we will be able to spend more time together...what do you thing?"

"It will be fun!" I tryied to say as happy as I could.

"I had made pancakes for you. Go to the kitchen with Shen, because I have to help your mother."

I nodded and I went towards to the kitchen. Shen was already there. He gave my a happy look.

"Come to eat Em! This pancakes are delicious!" he said, his mouth full of pancakes.

"Haha, easy Shen. Leave something for me." I replied laughing.

After a luxurious breakfast with pancakes, milk, juices, cereals and fruits, we went to our rooms to pack our things.

I pulled out of my closet my big suitcase that I use on vacations - my dad's present for me on my 16 birthday. I tried to put all my clothes inside it, but with no success. I decided to take with me only those that I would need the most. When I finished with my clothes, I took a box which my mum left me here, to put my other things. I started with my books. Books are my life. I can escape form the reality, only reading one of them. Because I have so many, so I chose some of them. 'If I stay', 'Paper Towns', 'The fault in our stars', 'Looking for Alaska', 'The maze runner', 'Divergent', 'Hunger Games'...I thought that that were enough. I continued with other things such as bags, shoes, my diary...until my eyes stopped on a picture of my family. I took it in my hands, with a nostalgic look. We took this photo some years ago, on a vacation in Greece. We were in Crete, at Chania. My dad had his right hand around my mum's shoulder, and Shen had had his hands around my waist, lifted me up. You could see the happiness in our eyes.

"If only I could go back in time." I thought.

"Guys! Come downstairs to put your things in Aunt Suzan's mini van!" my mum shouted.

I put my suitcase and the big box outside my door. I gave a last look in my bedroom. I knew that I will never sleep again in this bed. I will never read books in winter, sitting in this sofa. My bedroom, that I designed alone, according to my own ideas, it was going to be an another person's room.

"No Emily. You must be strong. Things happenning in life." I told myself, while I was wipping my tears and I left my room, that I will never see again.

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