Messed up week - 01

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Messed up week ~ Chap01

"Get the bags, get the bags! Maya, Sarah will you please fasten your pace? We're about to miss our flight!" This is what i've been hearing all morning; "Walk faster","Stop dragging those",

"Grab your suitcase","Stop with the attitude missy". It was probably because I didn't want to move into our new house. A few months ago, my parents thought it would've been a great idea to buy a huge house in Florida and live there for the rest of our lives. I thought it was a tiny phase they were having where they fantasize about living "big". Guess I was wrong, cause now we're boarding this plane and moving to the one and only, Orlando, Florida. Woo-pee.

"Mom, I don't understand why we had to buy a house in Florida, why couldn't you just purchase one here, near my friends, and we could've all lived happily ever after, the end?" I nagged my mother one more time. She rolled her eyes before replying,

"Sarah, If you don't drop it, i'll tape you to that chair beside the wall, and leave you there "

"Really?" I smiled and stopped walking, waiting for her next answer.

"No, now come on, we have 5 minutes left, hurry up!" She quickened her pace and continued to run to catch the aircraft that was making me leave my beautiful hometown and friends. I grunted and picked up my bags once more, and ran to catch up with her and my little sister, Maya. She's been excited for this move for a very long time now, and couldn't sleep all night, so she was lagging of energy this morning and wasn't being very cooperative with my mother either.

"Tickets Ma'am " The flight attendant who was boarding people reached out her hand, and grabbed the tickets from my mothers hand.

"Thank you, please go get seated and enjoy your flight " The flight attendant smiled and closed the plane's door after we walked in. We got our seats and finally sat down. I had called window seat, of course. I needed to take pictures of the ah-mazing clouds and hopefully edit them soon so I could put them up on my tumblr page. I quietly plugged my earphones into my iPhone, and listened to music for the rest of the flight. The plane ride was only 2 hours, but honestly felt like 5 hours in hell. We silently grabbed our bags after the plane landed and proceeded out, into out new lifes.

1 week later...

We had finally settled in our house, and I'm not gonna lie, this place was actually really amazing. Me and my sister each got our own rooms, and got to customize them to our likes, which was really fun. I haven't met any girls at my age in the neighborhood yet, but I hope I do soon, because if I don't, I think I'm gonna go crazy with all my sister's constant barbie dress-up play, and how she's dragging me into it. I sighed and logged onto my tumblr account on my laptop. I was greeted by my beautiful dashboard and continued to re-blog from my last session. I hope school doesn't start anytime soon. I don't wanna ever leave my laptop or Tumblr.

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