Falling for who?

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I actually wrote half of this chapter a couple of days ago, but this morning when I checked back to continue writing, it was all gone. I dont mind, but I had a really good idea going on. Anyways, enjoy the book! Dedicated to my friend, Aubrey, who continues to support me through this book

Falling for who?

I slowly took a sip from my Irish tee, inhaling the delicate scent. I felt on cloud nine, and nothing could stop me. Mother was at work and Maya was at her friends house, I have never felt so relaxed before. I smiled and closed my eyes, listening to the radio's soft tunes, streaming from the old speakers.

Nothing can ruin this moment...

Suddendly a loud knocking on the front door tore through the waves of silence and woke me up from my relaxation. Nothing..But this knocking would ruin it. I groaned and placed my hot cup of tea on the little coffee table. I streched my arms and lazily walked to the door, looking out the peephole before groaning louder than before. Out of all the people in the world, it had to be him. Why could'nt it have been a murderer or the mailman? I sighed before opening the door, and placed a hand on my hip.

"How may I help you today" I asked sarcastically. He let his eyes wander over me, and smiled before saying, "Nice outfit hun" He winked and allowed himself inside. I then realized what I was currently wearing. I had boyshorts on, and my white Hollister hoodie over it. I blushed and pushed the hoodie down to cover up the "shorts". Needless to say, I felt naked.

"What are you doing here" I frowned and followed him into the living room where I was previously relaxing before he rudely interuptted. He plopped himself onto the couch and flipped on the television, and started scrolling through the channels .

"I was bored and nobody was at home, so I figured I'd come and visit you" He continued flipping through the channels and gave me a bored expression. I huffed and walked over to the television, blocking him from the screen.

'No, you need to get out. You just cannot invite yourself over here without my permission" I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him. Nobody barges into my relaxing time and thinks they can use my T.V. He rolled his eyes and smirked once again.

"Who says? By the way, do you have anything to eat? Im starving. Make me a sandwich, please." He crossed his legs and propped them up on the small coffee table. I let my mouth wander open in shock and stared at him. Was this guy serious, is he really asking me to make him food. Oh hell no. Ain't nobody touching my food. I marched up to him and pinched his ear.

"You sir, need to get out. I will not make you anything, understood?" I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Yes you are" He stood up, towered over me and easily grabbed my legs and my waist, before throwing me over his shoulder and walking steadily to the kitchen. I banged on his back and started shouting.

"Channing, put me down!" I kept banging and kicking till he placed me down on the kitchen floor. He pointed at the fridge and back at me.

"Food, now." He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. This kid.. I should just kill him right now with the knife that is lying on the kitchens island. My eyes spot his toned biceps through the reasonably tight shirt he was wearing, and a shiver runs through me. Channing, why'd you suddenly have to be eye candy when i'm supposed to be hating you? I woke from my mini daze and stared back at his smirking face.

"See something you like?" He smirked and waved his hand at himself. As if..

"Yeah, obviously not you" I scoffed and leaned against the island counter. He placed his hands over his heart and started sniffling and faking tears.

"Wow, Sarah. Way to hurt me, babe" He looked up and dropped his eyes once more to the floor, mockingly. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. I wasn't gonna do this, it was my me-time and I wasn't gonna let him ruin it for me.

"Channing, I just wanna relax before my annoying family gets home, please" I sighed, rubbed my eyes and sat back down on the couch, before staring blankly at the T.V. that was currently playing cartoons. Jordan walked over to the couch and sat beside me.

"Aw, don't be like that Sarah. I just wanna hang out with you" He pouted and leaned on me. I sighed once more and rubbed my hands over my face. I was so tired from staying up all night. I spent my whole night blogging on Tumblr and listening to new music. Not a good idea, but nothing I do anyways is great.

"Channing, I just wanna sleep, okay. I'm sorry but not today, so could you please leave?" I got off the couch and pointed to the door, indicating for the last time, that he should leave.

"Im going upstairs to bed. I am seriously tired." I rubbed my eyes once more before yawning loudly. I started going upstairs till I felt someones presence behind me. Jordan. I turned around and sighed loudly. What is it, this time.

"Could I sleep with you, please? I won't bother you, please?" He got down on this knees, and begged. Oh yeah, lets bond over sleep. Perfect. I rolled my eyes and puffed.

"Fine, just dont hog up the space or the blanket" Part of me was actually fangirling, while the other smarter half was annoyed at this kid. I just asked for sleep. On the other hand though, Channing was gonna be in the same bed as me, how wild is that. I slowly got into the queen bed and engulfed the blue blanket. I was so tired and the feeling of the pillow underneath my head, felt amazing. Channing quickly got in after me, not before slipping off his shirt and khakis. I quickly covered my eyes, and started rambling.

"Channing, put on your pants! I dont wanna see your boxers!" I blushed wildly, and hid my face underneath the pillow. I could feel his smiling and rubbing his neck before answering me back.

"Dont tell me you havent seen a guy half naked before" Puh-lease, I see guys half naked all the time...When i'm on Tumblr atleast, but for some reason, it just felt different around him. I looked up from the pillow and faced the little bastard. He stood smirking with his arms crossed against his built chest. The sight infront of me made my cheeks flame even more. What is happening to me, gawsh.

"Yes, I have but your flabs are making me disgusted by the minute, so please put on something" I huffed and avoided his gaze. He shook his head and crawled into bed with me.

"No, this is the only way I can sleep" Ugh. Shoot me now. I think I'm redder than a tomato. I scooted far to the right and turned my back to him.

"Fine, but don't touch me" I closed my eyes and attempted to fall into sweet slumber. Channing sighed and shuffled into the bed a few times before relaxing and falling asleep aswell.

"Night, loser"


I woke up to the music of crickets and the bright moonlight shining inside my room. I looked beside me, expecting to see Jordan beside me, but just faced an empty pillow where he once laid before. I frowned, and sat up. I had kind of hoped he would be there when I woke up, so I could admire him a bit more in his sleep. I mentally slapped myself and shook my head.

Admire him in his sleep..? Have you gone insane..?

I shook my head once more and cleared the thought out of my head. I can't be having these kind of thoughts about it. I wasn't gonna allow it anytime soon, or ever. I cleared my throat and lazily got up from the bed. I walked over to my pink hello kitty alarm clock and gasped slightly at the time. It was eight thirty pm. I had slept around twelve o' one. I stretched and yawned a couple of times before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I reached the kitchen a few seconds later, and turned to enter before screaming ever so loudly. I grabbed my heart and sank to the floor. A few chuckles rang out of him and I blankly stared at the floor, trying to calm myself down.

"Oh my god." He started laughing again once more before breathing heavily and starting again.

"Oh my god, your face!" He mimicked my scream and expression before laughing hard once more. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the door frame. He is gonna be the death of me one day.

"Wheres my mother bitch" I pushed past him and stuck my head in the open fridge. I was starving.

"She said she was going out with some friends, and Maya is sleeping" I sighed and rubbed my temples. When my mom goes out with her friends, she usually doesn't come back till next morning, and shes usually wasted.

"Ugh okay, I'm going to make pasta, so help me or you're not getting a single drop." I opened the cabinets and pulled out three different types of pasta.

"Do I have to? Its usually the woman who cooks, not the guy, you're making me look weak" He whined and dropped to the floor.

"Yes, now get up and start boiling some water"


"Wow! You cheater! You cheated! Cheater! Cheater!" Channing threw down the xbox controller softly on the couch's mini pillows and pouted. I had just won another round of battlefield and he was clearly upset of my skills.

"A girl beat me! How embarrassing!" He whined and threw his head in his hands. I smiled and shook my head, I got really good at battlefield back home with my guy friends. I pumped my fist in the air and stuck out my tongue at him.

"Deal with it, sucker! Im the winner for the fifth time, you can NEVER beat this" I waved a hand in front of me and attempted a hair flip. He groaned and reached into his pocket for his phone.

"Oh crap! I got to go, its ten thirty, my mom is gonna flip shit" He laughed and got off the floor, and quickly ran to the door. I slowly got up and followed him, I really had a fun time with him actually.

"Okay, thanks for letting me hang with you, night Sarah" He reached over and kissed my cheek and ran out the door. My hand flew to my face and I smiled.

Am I falling for him already?

Wait... Falling for who?!


Hey guys B) I hope you liked this chapter, I feel like its too small, but I wanted to update badly. I typed this on my iPad, so sorry for any spelling errors. I will be updating probably on weekends. Maybe every two weekends..? I dont know :) Thanks for reading and be sure to follow and vote!
- Sarah x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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