Chapter 1: The 23rd Letter

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Dearest Captain,

I wonder if I will run into you? Will you nod and say hi? Or will I clumsily ran into things again in front of you?

I'm getting tired of looking like an absolute fumbling fool when you're there...but I can't help it. I'm just that, perpetually awkward.

It's Mockingbird duty today. Nothing fancy. I mean, I can never be fancy. Fancy is stored in my dreams. Locked up. Like you.

Anyway, I was tasked to accompany her. Be the person who will fly the Quinjet. Now that, I can do. Fly stuffs, edit stuffs, do...stuffs...

It's really unbelievably awkward for a no talent like me to be a part of this organization. S.H.I.E.L.D post Hydra. They must be desperate. They are desperate. I mean, hiring me just cause of my agent father.

By the way, it was really cool to see you smile the other day. Not to me. Never to me. To Sharon. The beautiful Agent 13... to you, here, soon.

Love always,
Agent 20

Dearest Captain (On Hold - Avengers AU)Where stories live. Discover now