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"Scarlett!" My mother shrieks as she runs into the room. She must have come home early and found my letter. I knew I shouldn't have left one. I should have slid peacefully into death, leaving nothing of my miserable life to remember me by. I look up at her through my black bangs with a devilish smirk from the place I was seated on the floor.

"What's wrong mother?" I asked acting clueless. God, why is she pretending to care about me now? As soon as I'm close to death I start to matter in her eyes. As if I could ever matter to anyone. I'm just a pathetic waste of air. Why is she insisting on pretending to love me when all I want is to slip into the welcoming arms of death. She looked at me as though I had lost my mind and pointed down at my wrists that were lined with fresh cuts. I looked down at the floor to see a rather large puddle of red liquid spilling out around my body.

Why couldn't she have just stayed at work a little longer? If she had, I would no longer be forced to deal with the pain of existing. I held my wrist up to my face, inspecting the deep cuts I had made. I was so close! The blood continued pouring out of my freshly made wounds and  joined with the amount around me, covering the white tiles and creating a more crimson colour.

"Oh that..." I said laughing afterwards. "You don't like my art?"

I stood up from the floor so that I was the same height as her, which still wasn't that tall. She must think I've gone insane. It doesn't matter now though, she's in too much shock to call the ambulence. I'll be gone before she can make herself do anything about it. I smiled at her and she just lokked at me. She just kept staring at me like I was a freak! It didn't affect me more than it already had. It happens to much to take a toll on me.

"Why? Why would... why would you do something like this Scarlett?" she asked me as she tried to grab my arm. I pulled away from her violently and nearly collapsed in the process. She looked at me offended before continuing, "I'm only trying to help you, you just need to let me! I called the paramedics when I found your letter, they'll be here in a few minutes. But you just need to let me help you! I can't lose you!"

She was yelling at me. I knew that much. She just kept yelling now. I couldn't hear what she was saying anymore though. her voice was rising in volume as she tried frantically to get me to respond to her cries. I can't believe her! She says she wants to help, but where was she when I realy needed her? She cant help me, no matter what she does, it can't help me now.

I started to feel light headed but I refused to sit back down and admit defeat. If I sat down willingly I would seem weaker than her and I refused to give her that satisfaction. At that thought I felt my body start to weaken to the point where I couldn't function. My vision was starting to turn black and I soon felt my feet give out from under me and my knees buckle under my weight. I hear muffled yells and screams, and I felt two pairs of hands lifting me from my spot on the floor. The last thing I saw before I passed out was the puddle of my own blood still pooling on the floor.


This is just a preview as to what this book is going to be like. Comment to let me know if you would like me to continue with this or not.

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