Chapter 6: Let The Fun Begin!

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Alice's p.o.v.

I never really liked parties, but here I was, standing in the corner with Scarlett and Johanna while what looked like hundreds of others danced around in a large group. I played with the sleeve of my leather jacket as I tried to adjust to the pounding of the music playing through my eardrums. I had a drink in my hand that Johanna had gotten for me about ten minutes ago when we first got here, which I hadn't taken a single sip from.

"So... are we gonna go Dance or what? If you guys don't start being fun I will go find Hunter and get him drunk. Seriously you should see that kid when he's drunk! It's like he gets possessed by some party crazy spirit! And the best part about it, he's a lightweight! I might just go and find him even if you decide to loosen up and have fun!"said Johanna laughing and motioning for us to come with her.

I looked around, actually looking for her brother in hopes that if I pointed him out she would leave me and Scarlett alone. I couldn't see him anywhere though which sucked. How did this kid disappear so easily? When did he even leave? I remembered him coming in with us and then the next moment,poof! he was gone!

"Well it couldn't hurt to have go have a little bit of fun..." Scarlett said quietly so only Johanna and I could hear.

Right after hearing those words leave her lips, Johanna thrust her hand into the air triumphantly.

"Victory is mine!"she yelled before stepping next to Scarlett and wrapping her arm around her waist. "Don't worry beautiful, I'll show you a good time. Now, let the fun begin!"

Scarlett blushed furiously as Johanna added a wink to her already extremely flirtatious comment. I could feel anger rising in me but I wouldn't show it. Johanna started to lead Scarlett through the crowd and she followed, not pulling away from the embrace.

I quickly followed, trying not to lose sight of them. I was almost back to being next to the pair before I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me off to the side. I turned around and saw Cecilia smiling at me.

"Cool party yeah?"she asked looking at me. I didn't feel like continuing the small talk so I got straight to the point.

"What do you want? I need to get back to Johanna and Scarlett." I really didn't feel like being nice to this cold hearted bitch so I just wasn't.

"Wow. Straight to the point. Okay then. Well I want a progress report." said Cecilia, staring at me blankly. I knew exactly what she was talking about and my stomach dropped at the thought.

"This isn't really a good place to talk. How about tomorrow? I'll tell you all you want." I offered. I really had to get out of this situation before anybody got suspicious.

"Sure. I guess that's alright. Just don't forget. And I'm going to want full detail so be ready to explain everything!"she shouted, trying to make her voice heard over the beat of the song that was currently playing. She turned back to her friends and started to shake her hips laughing at something that was said.

I turned around after Cecilia had grown bored of me, and started to walk towards where I last saw Scarlett. Of course, she wasn't anywhere to be seen, which meant that Johanna had dragged her farther away in search of her brother. I continued walking until, finally, I was at the edge of the crowd. I looked around trying to spot Scarlett when a voice spoke up, making me turn to see who was talking.

"Yo! Alice right? Come here and hang with us!" Yelled Johanna from the edge of the room. I gave her a questioning look and stayed where I was. "What? I promise I won't bite! Much."

Beside her, Scarlett burst into laughter and continued to giggle quietly as I walked towards them. The two of them were sitting on a brown leather sofa that had been placed in the center of the back wall, facing the way we came in. I looked to my right and saw Hunter straddling some blonde guys hips and sucking his face off. I averted my eyes immediately and Johanna laughed as my face changed to a look of shock.

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