A New Year to Come

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(January 7, 2012)

Mavis: Kelly! Wake up! It's almost 4am! You're almost late!

Kelly: But mom.. I'm still sleepy.

Mavis: You're almost late! Come on Kelly! You'll catch a heavy traffic if you won't wake up early!

Kelly: *woke up* Fine!

(Kelly hurried and fixed her things. After she fixed herself she hurried to school.)

Kelly: Oh my God! I'm almost late! I hate traffics. *sigh*

(Kelly arrived in school at 7:20am)

Ms. Leila: Oh Kelly! You're late again. How many time shall I tell you to wake up early so you won't be late?

Kelly: I'm sorry Teacher. I just caught up in a heavy traffic.

Ms. Leila: Oh fine. Sit down.

Kelly: Thank you teacher!

(Kelly sat down and they continued their lessons... Two weeks passed. Kelly has a big problem because she's always late in her class due to heavy traffic.)

Ms. Leila:  Kelly! You're late again? *sigh*

Kelly: I'm sorry teacher.

Ms. Leila: Go to the moderator's office. Now!

Kelly: But...

Ms. Leila: No but's. Just go. Now!

Kelly: Okay teacher. *sigh*

(Kelly went to the Moderator's office)

Kelly: (knocked at the door and came in) Good morning Sir!

Moderator: Good morning. What's the problem?

Kelly: I have to get a pass Sir.

Moderator: Why? It's the first time that I saw you here.

Kelly: I'm late sir.

Moderator: Oh?! Hmmm.. Your name please.

Kelly: Kelly Wilkinson.

Moderator: From what section?

Kelly: Section IV.

Moderator: Okay. Here's your pass. Don't be late again tomorrow. Remember, if you're late for a week, I'll call your parents and you'll have one week detention.

Kelly: Okay Sir.

Moderator: Go back to your room now.

Kelly: Thank you sir!

(Kelly went back to classes... At lunch time, Kelly and her friends are eating together at the canteen.)

Pam: Hey Kelly! What did the Moderator told you about being late this morning?

Kelly: Hmmm... It's the first time that he met me. He told me that if I'm late for one week, he'll call my parents and I'll have one week detention. I don't want that to happen. *sigh* This is strange.

Pam: Oh really? Oh my God. Try not to be late so you'll not take one week detention.

Kelly: I'll do my best. But this is really strange.  Ms. Leila is always forgiving me but this day.. *sigh*

Pam: I noticed that too.

(Another day has come. Kelly was caught up in a heavy traffic again.)

Ms. Leila: Kelly?! You're late again?

Kelly: I'm sorry teacher. Can you forgive me this time? Please? I don't want to take one week detention.

Ms. Leila: I'm sorry too. But you'll have to go to the moderator's office.

Kelly: But...

Ms. Leila: No but's, just go.

(Kelly went to the moderator's office)

Kelly: (knocked at the door and came in) Good morning sir!

Moderator: Oh, you're here again. What's the problem? Are you late again?

Kelly: Yes sir.

Moderator: Oh. Okay. Just remember if you're late for one week, you'll have one week detention. Here's your pass.

Kelly: Okay sir. Thank you sir!

(Kelly got a big problem. She's late for a week and Ms. Leila always send her to the moderator's office.)

Moderator: Oh. Kelly. You're late for a week. I'm sorry but I have to call your parents and talk to them. You also have to take a week detention.

Kelly: But sir...

Moderator: No but's. Go back to your class.

Kelly: *sad* Okay sir...

(Kelly went back to her room.)

Mr. Gakupo: Oh Kelly. You're late again? May I have your pass.

Kelly: Good morning sir. Yes sir. Here it is sir. *showed the pass to Mr. Gakupo*

Mr. Gakupo: Aww... So sad. you have to take a detention.

Kelly: Yes sir. I wonder why do we have to take a detention. We are just grade 4 students.

Mr. Gakupo: It is because we want to discipline you. We are also preparing you for your highschool life. So don't be sad. Be thankful that the moderator just give you a detention not a suspension.

Kelly: Okay sir! *smiles*

(The class continued. During lunch time...)

Faye: Okay! It's lunch time! Yeah! Hey Kelly, Pam and joy! Let's have our lunch together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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