Niall Imagine

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Imagine.. you and Niall in a hotel room alone together, How did this happen how could it be true? Think back to the start what had happened to get you here......

It Is the morning of the One Direction concert you couldn't sleep the night before you were way to excited! You and your to best friend got backstage passes and you were VIPs  to a Fucking One Direction concert! You and your friend went shopping to find the most sexy outfits you could find. Your parents Payed for anything you wanted. You and your friend got to the concert early you got treated like royalty you had the best seats in the house. It started, One Direction walked on the stage they were so fucking hot, the arena filled with screams your friend says something to you you didn't hear what she said you were so mesmerised by the band, your favorite song came on you were now the happiest girl ever! Next thing you know you and your friend were walking back stage accompanied by a security guard you are holding hands, sweaty palm in sweaty palm you were so nervous your heart felt like it was going to drop into your stomach. Before you knew it there they are standing right in front of you, thoughts running through your mind "what do i say?" "what do i do?"  then he comes up to you Niall is right in front of you he reaches his arms out next thing you know you and Niall are hugging you don't want to let go but you do, he points to two chairs you walk to them and and both sit down, you start talking trying not to let him know you know every little detail about him. Next thing you know you are walking out the back doors of the arena you have no clue where your friend is but  you really don't care. Niall and you pull up to a hotel you're freaking out but you don't show it Niall walks in holding your hand he gets a room he slowly moves in you and Niall just kissed you have the biggest smile on your face you walk to the elevator and go up hand in hand making out, you get to your floor he opens the room and your still kissing he lifts you up and puts you on the bed slowly it hits you you're about to have sex with Niall Horan he takes your shirt off his comes off too. Next thing you know its done you had sex with Niall omg now you're cuddling and he says " I know we don't know each other well but i lost my virginity to you would you like to be my girlfriend' you respond with "Niall of course i will be" the next morning you wake up you don't see him, there's a note it says "babe I'm sorry but this was a one time thing xxx Niall" slowly tears run down your face what the fuck just happened one night you took his virginity and you're dating and the next morning hes gone never to be seen by you again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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