Ramona I thank you for the flight paid for charity ... but put me in the middle? Then you hate me! Tell! A trip between a psychopath in panic and catastrophic ... that an old couple. And I in the midst. Obvious.
You .... but now?
Beginning to turn to the airport, so, in case ... You guys are in deep shit.
Suddenly I notice a woman behind me .. is a bit that follows me ... or is she too lost or mad moment I caught myself.
I follow.
I speed up.
The speeds too.
Police! Bobby! Heeelp!
"Sorry! Hey!"
The girl grabs my arm.
"Oh stop it touches you who you are!" He exclaimed in one breath.
She blushes looks down and hands me a sign with my name ..
"Pleasure,Brianna. You are Elena Kowalsky? Assistant from 'Italy? Please tell me yes.... you are the fourth or stopped .."
"It's me .... and you're the collaborator of ... hum.."
"Modestep! I found you hooray!"
An exalted. Cheers .. well at least I know who I will work for ... the mo ... mos ... mod ..
Oh fuck!
"Well? Come on! We're waiting!"
Brianna ... calm down.
I need to panic. Alone.
Fanfiction"Not to disappoint you but those love stories that suffered then back to normal with a message are stories, for 'just."