chapter eighteen

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Since that night, the at Fire, things between me and Tony changed.

We not fought more.

He did not turn to me a word.

When I arrived in the studio all saluted, and he, by his precious console, was a nod almost always the case ... I doubted it was a greeting addressed to me ..

Every evening he was the last to leave the parking lot and I the last to leave the studio.

For the briefest of moments, every time, our eyes met.

It is a strange feeling, the same I had felt the night of the show, it became increasingly heavy.

When, one evening to dinner, Josh story of what happened to the Fire, Alice nearly choked on a bite of food.

"No wait for me to understand, that person is strange jumped on top of you and Tony helped you? No, but are you sure?" She asked incredulously

"Alice, he will also asshole ok but it is not bad .." said Josh.

"Oh well he would miss only one." She replied.

"I think, perhaps huh, that's tough sociopath is just a kind of mask .. do not know .." I said.


Why not shut up I'm never fucking.

I looked but I could not understand their  ."Excuse me .. I would go to my room now," I said

"Elena .."

"Do not worry Josh, tomorrow I will be there in the studio," I said with a wink.

That strange feeling had begun to fret inside.

But what was it?

And Tony who was really?


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