Art book title page

97 12 3

Oh my gosh I love this title page!

It was annoying to make it but here were my steps on my IPad:

1. I drew the background picture (Frostbite painting)

2. I coloured it (blue, black, purple, brown, yellow, green)

3. I went to snap collage and chose a frame (rectangle)

4. I chose a background and boarder (blue snowflake and script)

5. I made a special frame (black smudges)

6. I put the title and my name (purplish letters in Pinnoyablack-black font)

7. I saved it to memory

8. On the Wattpad title page maker app, I made sure it would fit.

9. I took a picture of that

10. I went to photos and cropped the fitted picture to the fitted formation

11. I set it as the title page

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