Dragon Anatomy

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This is what I think female and male dragon differences should be in this style of dragon (in any, in fact)

Firm Face Shape- Narrow Face Shape
Sharp Mouth Shape- Rounded Mouth Shape
Set Jaw- Defined Jaw
Less Teeth- Serrated Jaw
Blunt Snout- Curvy Snout
Dull Spikes-  Sharp Spines
Straight Tipped Horns- Angles Tipped Horns
Thick neck- Curvy Neck
Bigger Scales- Outlined Scales
Larger Body- Smaller Body
Thicker Body Frame- Slender Body Frame

Now, this example was of a simple dragon shape (SkyWingish)

But here are the tribe attributes that would go along

Large Wings- Massive Wings (SkyWings)
Rounded tail barb- Pricked tail Barb (SandWings)
Large Ruff- Smaller Ruff (RainWings)
Thick Light Up Patches- Thin Light up Patches (SeaWing)
Few Dull Silver scales- Many Shiny Silver Scales (NightWings)
Regular horns/ Serrated Claws/ Spikes- Sharp Horns/ Serrated Claws/ Spikes (IceWings)
More Flat Head- More Rounded Head (MudWings)

I know, I Know- I gave the females more deadly attributes, Why?
Because boys- I don't see you being the ones to rule the dragon kingdoms. Sooooo, deal with it.
It would only make more sense for the Females to be more dangerous- the need something to rule the kingdom with.

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