Torture doesnt always involve spikes

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The next mourning I trudged to my closet and put something on, not really caring what it was. We drove to school on the wet rode and arrived at school a bit early as always. We parked in our usual spots and headed inside. while I was looking down I smacked right into Edward who immediately brighten. He smiled at me and said
"Hey Bella great to see you, I've been meaning to ask you. do you have anything to do this weekend because maybe we could see a movie"
"I can-" then I thought about what I was thinking about last night "you know what no I don't have anything to do, how bout Saturday we can see love spelled backward is love"
"Great looking forward to see you then!" He said the left
"What did I just get myself into " I whisper silently

Sorry bout the delay I hope to write more and please check out GirlyGamer1413
As always
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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