Chapter 18

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"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Someone yelled from downstairs. I immediately sat up.
"ALL OF YOU GIRLS, OUT NOW!" They yelled again.
I heard someone walking towards the door and I laid back down and cuddled back into Erin.
Someone opened the door and Erin threw the blanket over my head.
"Are there any girls in here?" The woman asked.
"Nope, just me" He laid back down as soon as the door slammed shut again.
Erin uncovered me and chuckled.
"It was just Uriah's mom" he smirked
"Oh shit, I should've left, aren't we about to leave?" I asked setting up
"Yeah but you're riding home with me and Uriah anyway" he sat up with me. "You have to be with us anyway, we came together" he began to slide out of bed and throw some shirts into his duffle bag he had brung.
Then I remembered my bag was in the other cabin.
"Erin I don't have my bag" I got out of bed walking towards him. He turned around to face me
"I texted one of the girls last night to bring it over" he pointed to my blue bag setting next to his.
"Well that helps" I giggled.

"Well it's been fun" I said hugging Ricky.
"Yeah.. Sorry for anything that made you.. Well, uncomfortable" he laughed
We were all in front of the two cabins we had shared for the weekend.
"This was definitely something to remember" I added letting go of Ricky. He handed me a small piece of paper
"And hey, if you ever need anything, give me a call" he winked and walked back to the boys he was riding home with.
I walked to Uriah's car where Erin was waiting. Uriah was still chatting with some of the boys before we left.
"What's that?" Erin asked looking at the paper Ricky had given me.
"Hm? Oh, I think it's Ricky's number. He wants me to call him if there's anything wrong I guess" I giggled shoving the paper into my back pocket.
"You're not going to use it? Are you?" He asked leaning on the car that was parked in front of the lake.
"No! Of course not" I laughed "Ricky is just like a horny little boy. Yeah like I'm going to call him if there's 'anything wrong'" I laughed and so did Erin.
Uriah walked back to us waving to the small crowd of people behind us.
He smiled at me and opened the car door. We all got in and waited for Uriah to start the car.
"How come you both have to set in the back?" Uriah asked.
"I don't know. Is there a problem with me sitting back here Uriah?" I asked confused why Uriah was deciding to start something like this.
"Yes there is, I wanted you to sit up here with me" he looked back at me and Erin.
"You're being ridiculous Uriah, just start the car I really want to leave!" I exclaimed trying not to be too loud.
"I'm being ridiculous? All you've been doing this weekend is sticking your tongue down Erin's throat! You guys aren't even together! I don't even know why I invited you both" he yelled back now starting the car. I flinched at his outburst. We've had fights before but not like this.
I could feel tears in my eyes. I usually don't cry often, but in loud situations like these, when screaming is involved, it gets to me. My parents would usually fight like this when I was younger, they still do sometimes. It scared me, the yelling, the sound of my mother crying, was more than enough to scar me.
A tear rolled down my cheek, i quickly wiped it away with the back of my hand. I didn't want Uriah or Erin to see me crying at a situation like this, I mean he only yelled at me, but there's more behind it.
Erin must have noticed because he grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.
I looked down at our hand intertwined, I pulled my hand away feeling uncomfortable. Uriah was right, we aren't even together.

My eyes fluttered opened to the sound of a song on the radio. The car came to a stop.
"We're here" Uriah sighed.
I sat up and lazily opened the door.
The sun was just setting since it is almost a 4 hour drive. Erin got out after me. He opened the trunk handing me my bag and grabbing his.
"Hey, I'll see you later, okay?" Erin lightly grabbed my hand and held it in his.
"Yeah sure, sorry you were caught in the middle of that fight earlier" I laughed and so did he. He let go of my hand and walked away.
Uriah opened the car door and walked towards me.
"Jules... You know I didn't mean anything I said" he tilted his head slightly.
"They were true" I added looking up at him.
"No no no, they weren't, I was just jealous and I was being an ass and I'm sorry for that" He said.
I looked up at him, staring at him thinking of what to say next.
He walked closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing circles with his thumb.
"I'm not sure how to feel about us in this situation right now" I said nervously.
He smiled and leaned in to plant his lips onto mine. I moved my lips with his, feeling so many emotions going through me. It felt different to kiss somebody else's lips. He pulled away and snaked his arms around my waste pulling me into a hug.
I melted into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck as he slightly rocked us back and forth. After what seemed like forever, he let go.
"I'll see you later" he said and got in his car. He pulled out of the driveway and drove out of the neighborhood.

This definitely was a weekend to remember.

Hi sorry I haven't updated in a while (lol to all my fans) I hope you liked this;) vote and comment to let me know what you think about it so far:)

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