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(In the pic above is fallen angel)

I was wlaking down the busy streets when I ran into someone
I looked up to see BOTDF
I was a little shocked as
I was just gonnna walk away
But jayy grabbed my arm
I looked on his eyes and froze everything in me screamed mate
Dahvie smiled at me I smiled back
"Hi" I said softly
They both smiled at each other
"What's your name?"
Jayy asked
While dahvie pulled us both into the nearest Starbucks
"Fallen...fallen angel"
I said
They nodded
I heard this girl say
I looked over and saw my bestfriend from when I was in high school
Both of our eyes widened
She is the only one who knew my secret and she still accepted me as me
She said
"Gummy bear" I said laughing
We ran to each other she jumped on me
"Its been so long my panda"
"Only a few years my gummy bear"
"Y'all know each other"
"Duh!" Trin said
We sat down
"How do y'all know each other"
"Well my fallen panda saved .e a few times in high school"
"A few" I snickered
"Maybe a lot of times"
"How?" jayy said
"Well I was bullied" trin said embarrassed
"I was to but I would stand up for myself and I saw trin being bullied once and..."
"She beat up the captain of the football team" trin finished laughing

im a demonic angel(jayyvon monroe)Where stories live. Discover now