Chapter 24

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"Riley, this is the last round before you try for the win. Just stay focused. Remember Connor always tries to fool you by moving a different hand than the one he's going to punch with. Understood?" Logan asks.

Today's Sunday. I had a pretty easy fight yesterday, I didn't even end up with any major injuries. If I win this one I'm versing Heath for the final round.

The week went by pretty fast. I didn't run into Luke, but I did message him. I couldn't tell him to stay away from me without having a valid reason.

"Ready?" Logan asks as the referee starts.

"Like always." I smirk making my way to the middle of the ring.

Conner had a lot of muscle and looked pretty skilled. We shake our hands firmly. "Ready to lose little girl?" He asks. I roll my eyes in response.

"Talking about yourself Conner?" I reply and he scowls at me.

I scan the audience the whole gang was here even Heath, probably just trying to pick up on my tricks for the fight tomorrow. I look at the crowd behind Connor and spot a certain blond. Luke. I smile and he smiles back.

I didn't think he would show up. I roll my neck and hear it crack. Okay, Riley just focus. Focus on your opponent. "The rules are pretty simple. Don't kill each other and stop when the person gives up." The referee states and the whistle blows. I put my balled hands up in defence.

I watch Connor's feet move and I copy. He swings his left hand and I respond by moving to the other side, but I feel a heavy impact on the left side of my face. Everything blurs for a second. I blink away and look back up at him grinning.

"Focus on the player Riley. Feel the adrenaline." I hear Jack's voice and I swing at Conner nailing him right in the temple.

He groans out loud. "That's the best you got, girly?" He asks taking another swing, but I dodge in time and take another swing at his abs.

"Good job Riley. Keep focusing. Keep the adrenaline flowing." Jack's voice runs through my head.

I feel a sharp pain in my gut and let out a huge breath of air. "UGH!" I groan clutching my stomach. Before I could recover I feel another punch land on my face and fall down on the ring back first.

The taste of blood runs through my taste buds making me realize I bit my tongue. My eyes become blurry and all the cheering around me becomes muffled. I try to get up, but another impactful punch pushes me down and I groan in pain. I lay down on the floor trying to get rid of the pain and my blurry vision.

"Riley! Get up! Fight Riley! Get the fuck of your ass and fight!" I hear someone's behind me outside of the ring.

Riley get up. You have to win this. I encourage myself. I turn around and get up on my hands and knees. I look at Heath," Fight Riley." He states and I spit the blood out of my mouth.

I get up and turn around to see Connor smirking. "You should really know when to quit, girly." He makes his way towards me. Confidence visible in the way he walked.

He swings, but I move my head to the side and grab his arm in the process. I pull it back and he groans in pain as I hear his arm crack at his elbow. He falls down on his knees. I walk around to face him and punch him square in the face.

He falls back and I sit on top of him looking at his pained expression. I punch him again.

"Jack," I sob," I promise. I swear, okay? Just stay with me. Pl-please."

His eyes close and his breath hitches midway," Jack?" I cry," Jack!" I pull him closer to my face and I cry into his chest.

"Riley get off him. I have to hide his body." I hear my dad say with no emotion showing.

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