Chapter 30: The start of Winter Break

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For the first time in a long time I have accomplished something I thought I never would. I woke up before Jen! I smile smugly as I walk towards her bed to wake her up.

I stand at the edge of the bed," Jen?"

I shake her a little, but she's in a deep sleep. I clear my throat and I yell in her ear, "Jen!"

She swiftly gets up," What? Who needs an ambulance! Are you dead?" Jen asks worriedly which causes me to laugh.

"No hahahaha," I take a deep breath," I was trying to wake you up."

"Why? It's winter break." She whines hiding under the covers again.

"Because Heath is going to be here in under thirty minutes so we can drive to your place." I remind her as I read the time off of my phone.

"What?!" She sits up, her hair flying in all directions. I nod. "Shit." She curses before running to the bathroom.

I sit down on my bed and grab my phone and scroll through it.

How'd you like the date last night?
Read at 9:33am

It was way better than I thought it would be(:
Read at 9:35am

Read at 9:37am

Well, he was really cocky, but not touchy and he was respectful. He seemed different, then he used to be. In a *nice* way
Read at 9:40am

Aweee! You sound all sappy and cute!
Read at 9:41am

Nooo! I will never like him like that. He's not my type(: and I think his heart is placed somewhere else.
Read at 9:43am

What? You think he's in love?! With who!?!!?
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I couldn't help, but feel curious. Heath, in love? That sounds impossible. Not to be rude or anything, but who would be in love with him?

I don't know it's just a feeling(:
Read at 9:45am

You sure?
Read at 9:45am

Read at 9:46am

Oh, okay. I'll ttyl we're about to leave
Read at 9:47am

Okay, enjoy!(:
Read at 9:49am

I will(:
Read at 9:50am

I lock my phone at that moment and look at Jen who was currently listing off what she put in her suitcase. "You ready to go?" I ask Jen as I get up to grab my suitcases.

"Yup." She says popping the 'p'. "I still can't believe you woke up before me."

"Neither can I." I reply. "But I wouldn't expect this from me everyday."

"Oh don't worry I wasn't going to." We both laugh. Jen's phone rings and she picks it up.

"Hey... okay, we'll be down in two." Jen hangs up.

We carry our suitcases down to the parking lot where we see Heath's car parked. We walk over to him and stuff our suitcases into his trunk and the back seats. "I'm taking my car." I say twirling my keys around on my index finger. "Jen are you riding with me?"

"As much as I love you as a friend Riley. I just can't afford to have an heart attack at ten am in the morning." She says too sweetly," I'll be riding with my brother."

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