Chapter 1: The Preparations

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Hanabussa yawned as he made his way down the halls. Kain beside him.

"Hanabussa...I don't have a good feeling..." Kain said looking at his cousin. Aidou rolled his eyes.

"What's there to be afraid of, Kain. Nothing. Riku said she wanted to see me." Aidou said, looking at his cousin.

Kain shivered slightly. 'Yeah...that is really what she wants to do...'

Aidou looked around then at the old chemist lab. "I didn't know this was here..."

"It's better then having met at the dorm kitchen and getting it not?" a voice said from behind the pair. Aidou yelped and turned to face Riku. Kain just turned his head. Riku stood smiling behind them.

"So...ready to do some science? I found this book in the library and I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She held the book out to Aidou. He took it. "I was thinking maybe do an experiment?"

Aidou's eyes brightened at the sight. Kain sweatdropped. "Of course! Which one did you have in mind?"

Riku smiled. "The one that is bookmarked."

Aidou turned to the page and read down. "Seems easy enough. But...what animal?"

Kain read over his cousin's shoulder. 'How to Gain An Animal's Ears, Tails, or Wings.' "Uh...Aidou...?" Aidou ignored him.

"I have a little bit of cat fur if that will work..." Riku stated.

Aidou nodded. "We have our animal!"


Kaname had taken two blood tablets already this evening. He sighed as his thirst still wasn't sated. He looked out the window and saw Kiryu making his rounds. His eyes softened at the sight. Zero's silver hair shinning in the moonlight.

He went back to his book as he locked eyes with the ex-human.


Kain sighed as his cousin busied himself with getting everything right. He looked at his cousin work. Aidou had taken off his jacket to make sure that nothing would get on it.

Kain looked to where Riku was sitting. He walked over to her. "There's something that your not telling us...isn't there..."

Riku shook her head. "Geez Kain... no trust?"

Kain sighed and leaned against the counter next to her. "In You? Not really... With you and Aidou? Definitely not." Riku pouted.

"All done! Who wants to try it?" Aidou said bounding over. Kain noticed Riku wince slightly as he bounded over.

"I'll do it." She said taking the small flask. She downed it quickly. She coughed and took a deep breath in and released it shakily. She sat up on the counter then laid down. "The room was spinning..." She said before Kain or Aidou could say anything.

She closed her eyes tight as the pain started immediately. She curled up onto her side and rode the pain out. When she opened her eyes, Aidou handed her a wet rag.

"You need to clean the blood off them..." Aidou said pointing at her head.

Riku tentatively reached up and touched the cat ears that now appeared on her head. She smiled and stood up. She walked over to one of the mirrors and smiled up at her new ears. They even had the same peircings as her regular ears. She carefully wiped them off. The tips of the ears were red while the rest into the silver her hair was. She turned back to Kain and Aidou. "Experiment a success!"

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