Chapter 6

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Angels pov

Today is mine and Brandon's third month together. It's been hard for us. The more we spend time together, we just fight. All we've done is fought. Ella and Jason finally started to date two weeks ago.

Today was the day I feared out of the whole month. I was finally going to tell my parents about mine and Brandon's child. This would mean my father and mother are going to have to get along for an hour at least. They were like alcoholics who fought more than me and Brandon. But my parents weren't together and were not alcoholics.

"Ella, I just don't know how they are going to react. My father, mother, and my stepmother. I think my fathers going to hate Brandon like he did Kyle. What if none of them like Brandon, like his mother don't like me?" I was in a panic mode. I mean my father used to tell me he was ready to be a grandfather but at those times I wasn't ready to be a mother.

Now, like everyone said, I was the first out of four girls to get pregnant again. My sisters are going to say 'I told ya so' with a bitchy attitude and smirks on their lips.

"No, I'd be more worried about my siblings. These are your brothers and sisters here. Your older brother was already in jail and your sisters are fucking crazy! As for your younger brother I don't know, but thats who I'd be worried about telling. When you do, don't do it with all of them here," Ella has been my best friend since freshman year. We've made it that far. There's no secrets between us. We know everything there is to know about each other. So when she says I should be worried, I am.

"Baby, you okay?" Brandon asks as he walks in the door.

"No, my parents are coming. I have to tell my siblings soon and you know what my sisters are gonna say? 'I told you so' I'm not ready for this, but I know it needs done," I take a deep breath and clear my throat.

"We can do this whenever you're ready. No worries, Angel. It's up to you," Brandon says smiling at me. Before I could speak the doorbell rang.

"Too late," I say, taking deep breaths. This was going to be a nightmare.

"Angel, your were okay telling Brandon's parents and siblings. You know these people better, hun. There is nothing bad going to happen," Ella kisses my forehead. I nod and a fake smile spreads across my face.

"Ella, that's the reason I'm scared. What if one of those people I consider my family does what Brandon's mother did when she found out?" I whisoer to her. She shakes her head.

"I promise you. I've known those people for about eight years now. They've never done something so harsh. I promise everything's going to be okay. And look your sisters and brothers are here too. No turning back now," She bits her lip. I hug her and walk over to greet my siblings. All seven of them. One by one they hugged me.


"So what are we here for Angel?" My sister Ski always knew when something troubled me. We were real close as kids before she turned eighteen and became a sex addict.

"Well, this is Brandon. Most of you should know who he is because he was my crush in high school.." My father cuts me off.

"The half Mexican Brandon?" I throw a pillow at him and smiled at Brandon , also taking his hand.

"Be nice!" I exclaim.

"No, you had two friends named Brandon. Is this the one that you talked about twenty-four-seven?" I blush and nod. What a way for my father to maje it awkward.

"We've been together for three months, and there's something important for you all to know."

"And don't say 'I told you so' it'll just make things harder to tell you," Ella says nodding at me.

"I'm, well, me and Brandon may or may not be having a child," I squeeze my eyes shut and hope for nothing negative to come out anyone's mouth.

"Oh my fuck! Sissy that's amazing!" Ski exclaimed everyone nods, but my whole attention was on my father. He quickly stood up and walked out the house. I put my head down and sigh.  Just as I thought. Maybe him and Brandon's mom should get together and throw a party.

My family came and hugged me and congratulated me. Then my older brother was at my side. He elbowed me and laughed.

"Me too," He whispered. I raised an eyebrow.

"Faith and I are having a boy," My brother Tommy was never so upfront about shit like this. I just gave him a free pass. Next was my first little sister Erica. She was now seventeen. I could remember the day she turned nine. She used to be so innocent.

"That's okay. I'm not a virgin. And you know what I don't give a fuck," She hugs me. I smile at her. My sister and I fought when we were growing up. A lot. But still we were open with each other all the time. That's the kind of relationship we had.

Next was my mother. She hugged me and explained how happy she was for us and it was nice meeting Brandon. Then my stepmother who did almost the same thing as my mother. Except she was in tears.

"Angel?" Ski says motioning me to her.


"I told you so," She teases, chucking. 

"No you really don't know how happy I am right now. I've been trying with Allen, but no luck. Doctors say I can't have children," She was crying. It broke my heart to see her like this.

It runs in her family. Ski was my best friend growing up. She knew everything. She was the best person aside from Ella. She understood everything I went through. She helped me with ever problem. Big or small. She was the miracle in my life.

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