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andrea saffrohn williams

"Fuck," I whispered as my injured leg jostled around, the car hitting another pothole as we drove to the hospital.

"Sorry! Again." eyebrows yelled from upfront.

I inhaled and exhaled slowly, resting my head back on the seat.

After what felt like hours, we finally pulled into the hospital parking lot.

I laid there as eyebrows and scruff quickly got out of the car, rushing to my side to help me get out.

Eyebrows gingerly picked me up bridal as scruff disappeared to the trunk of the car.

he reappeared with an unfold wheel chair.

"where the fuck did you get a wheelchair from?" I questioned looking up at both of them.

"We've done this more times than you think." Eyebrows said slowly sitting me down in the chair.

I screwed my eyes shut in pain as they wheeled me up the sidewalk.

"Who are you guys anyways?" I breathed as eyebrows opened the door for scruff to wheel me in.

he dropped the door handle and reached his hand out for me to shake.

"Oh, I'm Jack by the way." He said smiling.

I left his hand there and glared up at him.

His smile faded as he lowered his hand and grabbed the door handle again.

"What about you?" I said turning around to look at scruff.

"I'm Nate." He said as he wheeled me into the open door.

Jack rapped his hand on the front desk, meaning to get the nurses attention.

"My uh, sister got shot while cleaning her gun, its pretty bad." He lied

nurses rushed over to me while one yelled for a gurney.

As the gurney squeaked towards me, all the nurses lifted me up and onto it, while one clumsily disinfected my wrist before stabbing an IV into my veins.

Jack and Nate watched me anxiously as they wheeled me into an exam room.

I saw Jack trying to rush into the room with me, but a doctor held him back as the door closed.

(By: wilkinhoe)

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