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jack finnegan gilinsky

I honestly don't know what I'm doing to Andrea. I've done this whole kidnapping shit before and one way or another we start liking one of the girls we kidnap. We set up a plan to get them caught and they just land in prison. Harsh. I know.
For some reason I don't want to do this anymore but we can't stop now, we've already kidnapped an innocent, beautiful, girl.
what the hell gilinsky, what are you thinking?
I shook that thought out of my head and knocked on Andrea's door to get her started on delivering good shit for me.

"Andrea it's time to get up!" I said, no, screamed.
She opened her door already dressed up, "I've been up, I heard you were going to make me deliver some stuff." She said bluntly

I shrugged my shoulders and gave her the address she had to pick up the drugs from.

She left without saying another word.
I'm kind of disappointed that she was just bluntly saying things and she's cooperating with things, it's no fun anymore. I can't beat her up or treat her shitty because she's not giving me a reason to anymore.

I went to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. It was the address to the place Andrea had to pick up the amphetamines and meth from.
shit shit shit. I only wrote one note for that address, what note did I give her then?

I tried to recall everything I've written and the only thing I can think of is that I wrote her house address.
That can't be possible because I wrote that when I first kidnapped her.

I can't tell Nate about it.

I'm probably overreacting so I'll just take a swing of beer to calm me down.

I walked over to the fridge and saw a bottle of beer and took a long swing of it.

I can feel my tensed muscles relax once I drank it.

I'm not that big of an idiot.

[ andrea saffrohn williams ]

I reread the note over and it wasn't an address it was just a type of pizza.

The note read pepperoni

This was my chance to escape that hellhole, he usually makes Sammy supervise if I'm doing what I was told to do.

But Sammy isn't here, right?

I looked around my surroundings and didn't see anyone, it was empty. The streets were empty.

I recognize this place, it's familiar.

I'm close to home, I'm fucking close to my home.

I ran and ran and ran and ran until I reached the beautiful sight of my house.

I saw signs of my face in it saying something about being lost. I was never lost. Just kidnapped by an idiot who has a nice face and I won't ever see that face again.

I knocked on the door and saw my mom with huge bags under her eyes, has she gotten any sleep at all?

When she saw me she yelled and screamed and cried and asked me where I've been for the past 3 months. It's been three months??

I'm crying, I'm crying, what?!

Everyone welcomed me with tears in their eyes, oh, what a beautiful sight. I've missed them so much.

I saw everyone packing their bags,
"What are you guys doing?!"

"We thought you were gone forever so we were going to move to California. We still are and since we're leaving in three hours you should go pack your bag."

I stood there emotionless. If I was still with scruff and eyebrows they would've left me forever.

I tried pushing the thought to the back of my head and I ran upstairs to see my stuff already packed as if they knew I was going to come.

My dad came in my room and said, "I know what happened." I furrowed my eyebrows together. He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "I love you loser."

I half-heartedly smiled back at him, "I love you too dad."

* long ass chapter ahhh!!!
I've been waiting to type this buuutttt I have no effort anymore in anything yikes anyways here ya go

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