Diedre Fangs

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I pull up to the cabin, unaware of my surroundings because of the darkness. I can see the faint light of my bedroom lamp in the high window. No other lights were on. I enter the empty cabin, noticing that the food I had left were on the counter. I feel a cold blast of air and see the back door wide open.

I rush toward the door. I quickly close it and lock it. I turn around and walk up the long stair well, to finally go to sleep after a long night. I enter my bedroom and grab a piece of paper and start writing.

'Dear Cass,

Tonight was a long night. My blind date ended up being a weird creepy dude named Dave. And after the date was over, he drove away in a white van. A WHITE VAN!! I don't think I'll be going to see that guy anymore. At least it was better then going on a date with that one lady. What was her name? Oh yeah, Jan. She tried to kiss me in the bathroom! I had to leave immediately. I hope your doing well. I can't believe it's only been a year. I can't believe I'm still writing to you. Well, I love you.

Diedre Fangs'

I folded the paper and put it in a box. I shove the box under my bed and pulled the covers over my head and tried to fall asleep.

My attempts at sleep were quickly dismissed when I heard a low growl come from downstairs. I got up and grabbed a lantern and bat. I moved stealthily, well, if you call tripping on the last step stealthy. I enter the kitchen and come face to face with a giant wolf. My breath hitched and the wolf quickly looked at me. It growled and stalked toward me. I quickly backed up and tripped over something, falling down on my butt.

The wolf crawled over me, snarled, and...and its face softened. Its eyes were a bright blue, unlike most wolfs eyes. It stared like a love struck puppy into my deep purple eyes. I know, purple is a weird color but it was the way I was born. My head got dizzy and soon I was passed out, with the wolf still on top of me.

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