"Brooke! Wake up!" My mother yelled up the stairs. "Ugh" I groaned pulling my covers over my head. "Can't you just home school me?" I told her as she walked into my room. "I would if I could. You're gonna meet so many new friends! You're gonna have so much fun." She said soothingly. "Whatever. I might as well not talk to anyone. We are just gonna move again. We always do." I said rolling my eyes at her. She drew back her hand and smacked me in the face. "Don't ever roll your eyes at me." She said in rage. Damn. What a bitch. Honestly, sometimes I just have the urge to hit her back. But then I think, I could never hit my own mother. But then again, i'm used to her hitting me. She always does. She has ever since my dad left. In fourth grade, she pushed me down the stairs, breaking my left leg in two places. When we went to the hospital, she told them that I fell off the jungle gym at school.
Chapter 1.
I pulled into a parking spot in the parking lot at the school. As I was walking up the steps to the front door, I noticed people staring at me. Usually people at new schools don't even acknowledge that I'm even there. Although, I did happen to wear my new white lace skirt for my first day. When I got into the building, I did the normal routine, Principal, information office, then to my first period.
All the students in my class just stared as I walked in. The teacher, Miss Ryan I think she said her name was, introduced me. "Class, please welcome Brooke Jackson to our class." No one said a single word, they just stared. "Okay then.. Please take your seat next to Justin." She said pointing to a boy who looked like the quarterback on the football team kind of guy. I have to admit though, he was absolutely gorgeous. Flawless. I sat down beside him, my heart racing. He looked at me and said "Hi. I'm Justin." With a smile on his face. I replied "H-Hello. I'm Brooke." with a stutter. God that was stupid. Why did I have to stutter? I then sunk down in my seat, absolutely embarrassed.
The day went buy so fast. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I got my tray and looked around at all the tables, all the people. Then, I saw Justin waving at me to sit with him. Oh my god. My heart started to race again. I walked over to his table, not surprised to see cheerleaders and football players at his table. No one said anything during lunch. They all looked around awkwardly.
After lunch, the rest of the day went buy incredibly fast. I had gotten my books and headed to my car. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. When I turned around, I was surprised to see Justin looking at me with his big brown eyes. "Yeah?" I asked. "You dropped this." He said with a smile on his face. He handed me my Chemistry book. "Thanks." I said with a grin. "Uhmmm.." He looked at the ground. "Maybe we can hang out sometime." He said smiling. "Yes. Definately." I said sluring my words together. "I mean.. Yeah." I said trying not to sound desperate. He walked away and waved as he went.
I got into my car and headed home. After homework I went to my hip-hop dance class at 6:15. I've been dancing ever since I was 6. Its my way of escape from all the commotion of everyday life. Today was my first day going to this studio since we moved here. After I changed into my shorts and t-shirt, I walked into the studio. I looked around at all the dancers. I was surprised to see Justin stretching. I walked over to him and said "I didn't know you were a dancer." I said with a smirk. "Same with you. You look more of the cheerleader type." He said laughing. "I do cheer." I said. "A muli-skilled girl. I like that." He said with a grin. Then, class started. We were learning a new routine to Nicki Minaj's Va-Va Voom. As we went along through the dance, I tripped over some girl's foot. "Sorry." I said apologetically. "Watch what your doing new girl." She said with a disgusted look on her face. "What a bitch." I whispered to Justin. "Yeah, that's Ashley Brown. Head cheerleader. Honestly, she's such a snob." He said in a disgusted tone. After dance, Justin slipped me a tiny piece of paper. 765-550-2143. Text me sometime. I'd really like to get to know you. -Justin. Oh. My. God. My first day at Triton High was a success. Absolutely perfect.
Thanks for reading my first chapter. Ill update every few days. Hope you like it. Share, Comment, and Vote! Xoxo. -JamessLogan

Life Of Brooke.
Teen Fiction"Brooke! Wake up!" My mother yelled up the stairs. "Ugh" I groaned pulling my covers over my head. "Can't you just home school me?" I told her as she walked into my room. "I would if I could. You're gonna meet so many new friends! You're gonna have...