Chapter 7.

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"Hello. I am Jo. Where you be going?" He said in a weird accent I could hardly understand. Jamaican maybe? I don't know.

"1128 W. Maple Street please." Justin said sweetly. Jo started the car and pulled out of the parking lot quickly. What if we crash. Oh god. Then Justin could be the one to be paralyzed. I thought nervously. "Could you slow down a bit?" I asked, my heart pounding. "Okay. I slow down." He replied.

Justin looked back at me. "You okay?" he whispered. "Yeah. I'm good." I said with a smile. I pulled out my phone and dialed my mothers number. "Hello?" She said. "Hey. I just wanted to let you know that we are almost to Justin's house." I replied with a grin. "Okay. Have fun. Love you." She said hanging up right after.

Well, okay then. I thought, laying my phone in my lap. "We here." Jo said slowly, pulling into a driveway leading up to a gigantic house. "Wow. I didn't realize you were so.." I said at a loss of words. "Rich? Yeah... My dad invented the Snuggie and my mom is the founder of Starbucks. I don't tell a lot of people because they will become friends with me only because of that." He replied. He then got out of the van and opened the back door, pulling down the ramp. I rolled myself down the ramp and stopped a few feet away from the van.

"Thank you. Keep the change." Justin said sweetly to Jo, handing him a $100 bill. Jo started the van and drove off. Justin grabbed the handles of my wheelchair and rolled me up to the huge front doors. He rang the doorbell and a small, latino woman opened one of the doors. "Welcome home Mr. Davis." She said in her mexican accent. "Hello Wanita. This is Brooke, she will be staying with us this week." He replied blankly. She then opened the other door, grabbed the handles of my wheelchair, and rolled me into the house. The front entryway had a big white staircase, a giant chandelier, and many vases and paintings.

She rolled me to the stairs. She took my bag and Justin picked me up. I looked up at his grinning face as he carried me up the stairs to the first bedroom on the right. He sat me down on the bed.


Sorry for such a short chapter. Xoxo -JamessLogan

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