Chapter 4

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Alice was bewildered.
This boy that she had met for a day painted her. And it wasn't an ordinary painting
The way he painted her.
Each stroke of his paintbrush was so delicate.
And the way he painted her eyes, the way he blended the colors and painted her caramel eyes.
The way he painted her lips.
She could go on and on and on about his painting.
But most of all, she was bewildered by why he painted her.
Her, plain old Alice.
Alice wasn't pretty, at least she thought so. People called her "cute" , but she felt worthless when in the presence of the art club.
And yet, he painted her. He made her feel beautiful. More beautiful than she thought she had ever been.
She was thankful.
She looked at Seth from the corner of her eyes.
He was observing her.
He was probably trying to guess what she was thinking.
She felt embarrassed.

"Hey, you're turning really red-"
He started, but before he could continue, she ran away.

She didn't want him to see how happy she was. She didn't want him to see her extremely red face. It was just too embarrassing.
Seth was the first person who ever brought this side out of someone serious like Alice.
She shook her head while thinking about him.

Stop thinking about him. He's just a guy. He just has a cute face, and he was just being really sweet. That's all he was. That's all he is, so stop thinking about him.

She repeated that thought in her head, as she ran to the primary building to pick her siblings up.

"Why are you blushing?" Leo asked her bluntly.

She didn't answer.
She didn't want to talk.
Alice was older than them and she can't show them her flustered side.
So she just turned away.
Leo stared at her intensely, while her adorable little sister didn't seem to have a care in the world. She probably didn't even know what "blushing" was.
Alice then proceeded to drop them off at the house, which was empty, as usual, and headed to the cafe.

She entered the coffee shop, in her uniform, and her dark brown hair in a bun. At the sight of Mr.Patts, she bowed.

"Your shift is from 5pm to 9pm. Got it? And remember, don't work yourself too hard." He said.

She nodded.

Alice stood at the counter, with a bright smile plastered onto her face.
She saw a customer walk in.

"What would you like-" she paused. And her face turned tomato red.
Him again.
What was up with her and Seth.
Why is she seeing him everywhere. Literally. School. Art club. And now the Cafe. She wouldn't be surprised if he showed up at her house.

She was sure that he didn't notice that it was her at the counter, as he was on his phone as he walked in.
"I would like a caramel Macchiato. With whip cream. Please." he said.
Great. He ordered her favorite drink.
"Caramel macchiato it is then, would you like it small, medium or big?" She asked calmly.
She can't lose her composure now.
Especially with him.
She was a professional. So she would act like one.
" I would like it med-" he started, while slowly looking up.
His mouth dropped, then he started to laugh.
" I never knew you worked here! You sounded so formal that I thought you were an adult. Seriously!" He said, chuckling.
Her cheeks flushed bright red. She was so embarrassed.
Seth cleared his throat.
"I would like it medium. Thank you." He said, mocking her tone, and continued chuckling.
She looked at him, irritated.
"That would be $3.Now will you please stop laughing and go sit down." She blurted out, which caused him to laugh more.

"You know why I order caramel macchiato? It's because I like caramel very much. Plus I like the warm tone of caramel. someone's eyes."

Alice probably had a strange and embarrassing look on her face, since he bursted out laughing again.
Well she should, because she felt like an erupting volcano.

Then he stopped. His face looked a little more serious.

       "Why did you run away? Were you annoyed with me?" He asked.
Alice felt her ears turn red.
His serious face was seriously cute.
Seth just naturally makes her life 10x more embarrassing.
And she felt even more embarrassed, thinking about it.
She just ditched him. Even though he was being real sweet. She ran away because of embarrassment.
She sighed.

"Well I uh-I felt really...happy I guess? I never felt, I guess valued before. I was really happy and embarrassed when you painted me? I mean out of every one, who was much more beautiful than me, you painted me. Me? I don't know. I was just really....happy. Yeah." She finally said, after a long pause.

Seth had a warm look on his face. She blushed at the sight of his eyes. She probably blushed more than she had ever blushed in her whole entire life and had felt more embarrassment than she had ever for her whole life, today. His eyes were just so captivating. She felt like she could've drowned in it.

"Alice. You're beautiful. Remember that. Never think otherwise. You're important to your siblings right?" he said quietly, especially the "and...Me" part.

She wasn't sure if she heard that right. But she turned red. Seth turned red too.

And they just continued to stare at each other, just like that.


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