New Beginning

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New Beginning

Just because I'm telling you this story doesn't mean I'm alive at the end of it. It's that kind of a story where things just got so out of control. It all started 5 years ago when I met the love of my life and merciless killer Kyle Stone. Kyle seemed like an ordinary guy when I moved to Crystal Valley with my father and his new wife Tiffany. I was 16 years old then and I was having problems with my father. I could only feel the strong need of wanting to kill them both but somehow I am able to push the urge down into the depths of my being.

When I first met him I was on my way to the principal's office when we bumped into one another. I started picking up my books that had fallen out of my hands while saying I was sorry to him. When I got everything situated I looked up at him, since I wasn't paying any attention to him before we collided I noticed that he was 6 ft. tall and was a little pale like me and he had long black spiky hair which hid some underneath his hoodie. Just then I dared to look into his eyes which seemed like nothing but a bottomless pit full of sadness and destruction. Then he smiled at me and asked me for my name, I said with a smile that my name was Blair Hunter while he said his name was Kyle......Kyle Stone. I felt the urge I had felt earlier return but for some reason no matter how hard I tried I couldn't contain it, that was until Kyle grabbed hold of my hand and told me to breathe and everything would be alright. I asked him how did he know what was wrong with me. He just smiled and said that in time he would tell me what I needed to know. Then he just left so I walked into the principal's office and got my schedule and things arranged.

Then I walked on to my 4th period class which was gym. When I walked to the football and track field where gym took place I saw him again but decided not to go anywhere near him. Then all of a sudden a girl with blond hair walked up to me. The girl said her name was Amber Rydal and welcomed me to my first year at Crystal Valley High. I smiled at her and asked what is there to do for fun. She told me nothing much but that she was throwing a gigantic party this weekend and that I was invited to come if I wanted. I smiled and told her that I would have to get back to her on that because whether I could go was depending on my father's mood since he is so strict. She nodded to me and said if I had questions about anything to just ask her. Then I just took her up on her offer and asked if she knew a boy name Kyle Stone and I pointed over towards him. When I looked back at her she seemed a little frighten at first, but she said Kyle is somewhat of an outcast since he never talks to anyone. But he is really good at different types of sports and makes everyone around him scared, like he wants to kill them or something and it would be best if I stayed away from him as much as I can

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