Immortal and Pregnant with Twins

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When I felt that Kyle was about to cum I told him to let it loose all inside of me so that I really can become pregnant with his child. Then it happened we fell into the depth of pleasure together. When we came back down from our high I told Kyle that We had to go and try to get the rest of my things from my father's house tomorrow morning after they both leave for work. He just smiled and pulled me close to him as we both fell asleep happy as can be.

The next morning I woke up before Kyle again and started to fix us something for breakfast we head out to the doctor to see if I was pregnant or not. Just as I was putting our food onto the table Kyle came down and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissing me, good morning. I looked up at him and smiled. Then I asked if we just don't go to school today and just go to the doctor then back to my house to get the rest of my things. He smiled at me and said." Of course, we can so that I can spend more time with you and especially if you're pregnant with my son or daughter." I had to smile then when I added that I might have both if were thinking it. Then we sat down and started to eat, when all of a sudden I felt really sick, so I got up and ran to the bathroom. When my morning sickness was done I went back to the kitchen and saw that Kyle was just sitting down waiting for something. When he looked up and saw me he began to eat again. I looked at him and told him that he didn't have to wait for me to start eating. He just smiled up at me and said," I will not do anything including eat without you by my side." I was blushing now because I never thought he would think so highly of me even though we only been together for awhile but we been through so much. When we were done and I had washed all the dishes, we headed out to the door and to my father's house to get the rest of my things. When we got there I was happy that my father was not there. Kyle and I looked at one another and smiled while we held each other hands as we went inside. When we got upstairs to my room I was glad that none of my stuff was gone, so we just started packing all of my things and loading them into the car. When we were done we got in the car and headed straight to the doctor's office. When we were pulling up into the parking lot I had to vomit again so When Kyle stopped the car. I opened the door and ran as far as I could before I vomited but I wasn't able to get very far. When that was over with Kyle pulled me off of the ground and carried me princess style into the hospital I was happy but at the same time i was embarrassed because I was sure I was heavy especially if I was pregnant. After we found somewhere to sit and sign some of the paperwork We waited in a room for a doctor to come and examine me to see if I was having a baby boy or girl.When the doctor walked in and Kyle said he would like to introduce me to the doctor for people like him and me also. I asked him what did he mean by people like him and me, but I was cut short of my question when the doctor said,"I believe Kyle means people who are immortal and psychotic killers at birth." All of a sudden the whole room turns into this midnight shade of purple. For some unknown reason I wasn't afraid of what was happening because I was with my boyfriend and my unborn baby protecting me.When that was over with the doctor reappeared looking about 8 feet tall with a face with no eyebrows or eyelids like he wasn't able to blink or something. I looked over to Kyle and he looked normal except for being a little paler and 6 foot 5 inches taller. He just walked over to me with a loving smile on his face showing me how much he loves me and his child or children,which ever one it was I couldn't wait to find out.

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