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{JJ's POV}

I knock on the door, quietly because I don't want to wake his neighbors, but loud enough for him to hear. After a few times and a few minuets of waiting I just used my key Spence gave me. "Spence." I say walking in his apartment "Spence?!" I whisper shout "Spence are you awake?" I say as I go into his bed room. My heart stops when I see who he's holding hands and sleeping with. "Emily.."

{Reid's POV}

I hear someone whispering but I can't make out what they're saying. "Emily.." I hear. I turn over on my back letting go of the girl's hand I was holding and turned on the light. That's when I see her. "Oh my god JJ.." I say as I look at her horror filled, tear stained face "It's not what you think!" "Not what I think?! It's exactly what I think! I came here to tell you that I got my memory back, only to find out you're sleeping with Emily!" JJ say as she stairs to walk out "JJ wait!" I say as I throw on my pants "No Reid I'm done! I had a perfectly good married at home and I threw it away so we could be together and when I come to tell you, you're sleeping with my best friend! Oh wait I should say ex best friend! Because that's apparently what I am to you! Just a memory of the past!" JJ yells as she stomps down the stairs "JJ!" I yell back. It's too late she's already gone. I go back to my bed room and look out the window. JJ's outside sitting on the curb crying. She's just sitting there. I see Will running down the street to her. He runs across the street and picks her up and just hold her. That should be my job. But it's not. Technically I didn't cheat on her. We weren't together. I just so happened to have a little fling with someone else.

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