I Promise

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{JJ's POV}

I wake up with my alarm going off. I roll over in bed to see Will still asleep. My eyes are puffy, I can feel how swollen they are. I close my eyes and let out a sigh when I remember what happened last night. I guess Will hears me crying because I feel someone pull me into a hug as we lay together. "How do I get past this? I thought he was a perfect guy.." I whisper to Will "I don't know JJ.. I don't know." Will say. At least I didn't completely reck my marriage. Will is still there for me. But the truth is.. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd be passed out drunk right now.

{Reid's POV}

"Reid.. Get up we got to go to work." I hear as someone shakes me awake. I roll over and see Emily laying there. "Oh god what did we do?" Emily says putting her hands on her face "We hooked up, JJ came over, she saw us, she went home crying, then probably did it with Will." I say getting out of bed "That's wonderful! I ruined two relationships!" Emily says as she gets dressed "That's life for ya." I say "JJ probably hates me now." Emily says "Probably." I say "God she's gonna kill me!" Emily says "I wouldn't be surprised." I say "Why are you behind such an ass!" Emily says "I'm not. You're starting the obvious truth and I'm agreeing." I say "Well it's called being an ass!" Emily says "You don't like it, theirs the door." I say "Fine." Emily says as she leaves "Bye." I say

{JJ's POV}

I had to put on so much make up this morning. My eyes have bags under then, my eyes are red and puffy, my head is pounding, my voice is shot. "Hey." Will says as he puts his arms around my waist "Are you going to be ok at work?" "Yeah." I say "I'll just avoid them." "Are you sure?" Will says "Yeah. It's probably what's best anyways." I say as I walk away making him let go "Jennifer promise me one thing." Will say "What?" I say "If you need someone to talk to, you'll call me. I'm always open for a good talk." Will says smiling "Yeah. Ok. I will." I say as I smile back "Ok... I promise."

AN// Hey guys I just wanted to tell you guys now that Reid is about to start being a total ass to JJ. Next chapter might be kinda different because it'll have pretty much all the emotions in it. Love, anger, crying, everything! It should be up in around the next few hours. ❤️

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